Just wondering what everyone's thoughts/advice/recommendations are about getting or not getting the flu vaccine if you have MS?
Flu vaccine : Just wondering what everyone... - My MSAA Community
Flu vaccine

Hi Cathy, I have had the flu shot for the last 2 years. My doctor recommended me having it because I have ms. Thanks for reminding me, I must make an appointment for this years.
I'm really interested in seeing how this question is answered. I've been getting a flu shot for years. My new neurologist is not in favor of them but my PCP is. Not sure what I'm doing yet.
That's what's so frustrating bc some doctors whether it's a neurologist or PCP vary in their opinions about getting the flu shot. I just want to do the right thing and it's hard when you can't truly know for sure what that is. But thanks for your input. I'm guessing you've done well with getting the flu shot though. Thanks again.
Hi Cathy! I was diagnosed in 1990 and have had a flu shot every year since (my doctor recommended it!). I haven't had the flu in all those years and had no bad reaction to the shot, so I'm happy to continue getting it!
Hope you can decide what's best for you!
I am taking it. I have read that flu and pneumonia are both recommended. I know my blue cross will not cover pneumonia until 65, I'm not sure if Medicare will cover pneumonia either. It seems like I remember it would not cover but then I have MS and memory is not too good!π³
Yes medicare covers both flu and pneumonia
Will medicare cover under 65. Pneumonia?
Yes if you have a condition that warrants it (COPD etc.) there are now 2 pneumonitis vaccines. Should get 13 before 23 if never had either.
What's the difference between the 2 shots erash ?
Prevnar 13 and pneumovax 23 are recommended fr adults > 65y or individuals with immune compromise. See ACIP rationale:
Prevnar 13 protects against 13 types of pneumococcal bacteria, and the Pneumovax 23 protects against 23 types of pneumococcal bacteria.
Why not just get the vaccine that covers more strains? Because the two vaccines work in different ways, which appears to offer broader protection
Hi Erash, I asked the nurse what strain of flu vaccine we were been given and her reply was, that it all depended on the strain they had had in Australia, is there any truth in this. Thanks Jimeka
It's my understanding that they base the current year's flu vaccine on last years strains and this years predictions based on what's occurring in other geographic areas. Since Australia's winter just ended, that's quite possible. Here's what the CDC says:
I never get a flu shot. Never did before I was diagnosed. My internist says he doesn't want me to get any vaccines for the most part because I have MS. He doesn't push the flu shot and doesn't push overdue tetanus shots either in my case. Maybe he is over protective, but that is okay with me. I did get the pneumonia shots that he recommended. I'd like to get the one for shingles but that is a live vaccine so it is out of the question. I know the flu shot is from dead viruses and the multiple sclerosis society says it is okay to get the flu vaccine or any vaccine that is NOT live. I have always felt that the flu shot is somewhat of a guess as to what flu might be around ... I don't like to put things in my body (more than I already do) that are a "shot in the dark" (please excuse the pun.) Some say the having MS puts one in a hyperimmune situation to begin with. I don't get the flu (at least not yet) and I don't get a cold very often. Last one was three years ago. I've never been in the habit of feeling I need to get a flu shot. I am not one of those who are anti-vaccines in general. I don't remember having flu shots when I grew up and guess never in the habit of getting one.
Cathy616 my neurologist told me not to get any vaccines while on Aubagio. May go for all MS meds. I qui getting flu shots years ago when inflammation levels were very high due to fibromyalgia. Doctor said anyone with high levels of inflammation should not get vaccines, but every doc has different opinion
Flu vaccine wipes me out now. Used to get them.
I've always had a flu shot. Before there were flu shots (or before I knew about them), I had the flu a couple of times and was flattened out for 2 weeks each time. I'll put up with the flu shot to avoid the flu. Yes, sometimes I get a case of mini-flu after the shot but it's better than the flu. Usually it's just a very sore arm. The soreness goes away in a day or two but sometimes it takes a couple of weeks. The flulike symptoms of fever and achiness go away in a day or two and I often don't get them. I've never asked the PCP or the neuro if I should have them. They always assume that of course I'm getting them.
Many years ago I wasn't able to have the flu shot bc of my MS but they stopped that about 10+ years ago. I've been getting the flu vaccine ever since and have had no problems, I also haven't had the flu! π
So MSers are not suppose to get shingles shots?I never thought to ask Neuro about flu, pneumonia or shingles shots. Maybe I should.....
MS Society just had an article recommending and debunking surrounding myths. Flu vaccine is not live but can stimulate the immune system (that's how vaccines work). There might be slight brief body temperature rises associated with a vaccine. But the effects of getting the flu (not that the vaccine is a 100% guaranteed prevention) would likely be worse on our MS.
I'm getting my shot this afternoon π
I have MS for 20 some years and I always get the flu shot
I've only gotten the flu shot when I was forced...RN. Other than that, I do not get it. I have 3 children (13,9), and they've never had it. I feel as though, perhaps, I learned too many facts. Personal choice. I pass. π

I never used to get the flu shot before being dx'd. Last yr l asked my pcp about it and he told me yes, but l get sick alot. If it's out there l get it, ugh. No flu last year, yeah. Already had it this yr also.
Definitely, except if you have had steroids. I just finished five days of Solumedrol so cannot for early season.
Neurologist says a firm yes btw
Hello Cathy. I got my flu vaccine yesterday, and saw my neurologist yesterday. She recommends I get the flu vaccine every year because she said sickness also causes MS symptoms to flair.
I am one of those that actually gets sick from the vaccine. This was long before my diagnosis, so now I'd rather risk a few days with the flu than 6 weeks of bronchitis. I did the shot 3 years in a row and got sick within 48 hours everytime. My doctor recommends its and I decline it. I've never been told about the pneumonia shot
I get the flu shot every year. My neurologist also recommends it as well. I haven't had any issues when I get it either.
I have gotten the flu shot every year for the last 10 years and never gotten the flu. I have also had the pnuemonia shots. Prior tohaving flu shots on a regular basis I would get the flu every year I didn't have one and I would be out of school/work for 7-10 days. Since starting to get the shot I have not had the flu. My PCP and neurologist both recommend it and my boss requires it for all employees because we work with the public. I remember when my mom was diagnosed in the late 1970's they told her no vaccines at all. I also remember the at least three times she got the flu and because of her MS it hospitalised her for a week or more. She nearly died each time. Has always made me want to get the flu shot since then. Some years before I had insurance I was unable to afford it and those were the years I got the flu. Not worth the risk to me. I will get the shot. I have had mine this year already.
I found out that pneumonia are not live vaccine. Pneumonia 13 &23. They are taken a year apart.
Thanks to everyone who replied to my post. I really appreciate each and every one of your comments and advice. I'm so thankful for this online community, it's so nice to have somewhere to go and ask questions and in return get so much support. Thanks so much!!!!!
I never used to get the flu shot but in 2008 I had a bad relapse from the flu that it put me in the hospital for a week and left me disabled and able to work. I recommend getting it if you have a compromised immune system.
My dr said absolutely no to live vaccines such as flu, shingles or pneumonia
I get it because I take Tecfidera and it lowers your ability to fight infection.
I just got mine and the PREVNAR I have been getting them for 20 years have has MS for 17.
I get my flu vaccine every year since being diagnosed with MS in November 2001 and before diagnosis 30 year. The flu is the last thing I would want after dealing with the multiple medical condition that I have.
I get the flu shot every year and I think the pneumonia shot every other year but I had pneumonia and landed in the hospital for 8 days was I was out of work for Ithink a month. All I have to say if you know you are not feel good and the Dr, you go to says you are OK and you know you're not find another doctor. That's what I was told by another doctor when I had gone into see her and I knew my lungs had fluid in them. But this doctor caught my cold right away and she gave me the right medicines and I got better. .
Finally something good went the right way.
My neuro did a little research on it at the Mellen Center after I called him and asked if I should get it...the answer was "YES" I have gotten them in the past-before being diagnosed with MS and did not have any problems. It appears that I have had MS for a long time. Anyway, the shots did not bother me.
Great question. I feel as though I already put enough Frankenstein poison in my body. I've done enough inoculation research to personally decide that even "trace" amounts of neurotoxic adjuvants aren't for me - i'll leave it at that
Research vitamin D - there's a study or 2 that suggest 35iu/lb/day quality D3 yields same flu prevention as the shot. Yep, you read that correctly.... π³
I hope everyone's neurologist here checks those levels and recommends supplementing to keep levels healthy whether or not you decide to vaccinate.

I emailed my nero to see if l should and to see if l really would get a reply. I received it yesterday from his PA. And he recommends it.
Another point for my nero.