What are the chances a cure will be found within the next 5 years?
MS Cure?: What are the chances a cure will... - My MSAA Community
MS Cure?

My personal opinion is that they’ll make some fantastic headway for the maintenance of this disease but an actual cure will not be found. I think they’ll make some medicine to almost completely mask the effects MS but no total cure. I could be wrong and I hope I am wrong.
I also agree with you but sad to say what ever is not working for us now isn’t going to work later.
I am not trying to be negative but realistic. I would love a cure.
Billions has been made in meds . Theres no money to be made in a cure and thats why its never happened .Its all a no brainer .MS is easy to work out whats going on in it all .
I couldn’t agree more Lynn. I believe this is the truth in many diseases. With a cure the pharmaceutical company profit line would fall so we all suffer for the sake of profit.
The drug companies are not researching a cure, but instead rushing out new costlier, less researched meds. If they cured MS they would lose all of their customers. When I was diagnosed in 1999 the Dr said that a cure was 5 years away. But no drug companies are researching for a cure.
Dismal, but Nano therapy with MS is suppose to begin clinical trials in 2020, in Italy.
Hope for the best; prepare for the worst. I sure pray a cure comes. It may not happen with this generation, but at least we’re making progress in the right direction.
No money to be made in a cure thats why its never happened .
I totally agree with others. I believe there is no incentive for the pharma companies to stop making money hand over fist to support an MS cure. They would be out of business if no Copaxone, baclofen, Avonex, Gilenya, Lemtrada,..on and on....etc.. MS has been in existence for a very long time, brilliant minds have been working to find cure for a while, a lot of “close to a cure” still nothing. I am not a Debbie the downer, just a realist that is sick of the bureaucracy of being sick in America. Yes, sick of being sick!!!
Johngm For many reasons, a cure seems unrealistic. What would be helpful to most of us would be early and speedy diagnosis coupled with treatments to prevent further damage as well as to begin healing the lesions and demeylination that have already occurred. I am dubious of a cure that would wipe the slate clean.
Good question but let's just hope it is
Miserable as the the thought makes me and everyone else I don't think a cure will be found for a very long time if ever! The best we can hope for is better treatment and help xxx 🙄🙄🙄
My guess is the cure will come from overseas where they have national health and the tax payers is footing the bill. They have the data required to see what works as well as the incentive to cut the cost of MS treatment. They also have universities that have the AI capable equipment to solve the problem. Big pharma does not rule everywhere, only in the USA where the people are foolish enough to not take control of the system. So there is still hope.
How would you know whether it is truly a cure? Even if we already have a cure (ablative HSCT?), we won't know for 20 - 30 years. And you better get treated early, because your brain damage (lesions) won't repair itself. What about a prevention trial?
I hope this finds everyone well.
I have had RRMS for over 20 years.
I have had my share of up's and downs.
Having this disease isn't for sissies.
Let me ask you a question.
When, was the last time you heard of a disease being totally cured?
Listen, Rx companies, hospitals, and Dr.'s, make money by folks staying sick. Sure they will come out with different Rx's to ease discomfort, slow progression, and to say they are making headway... . But, total eradication??
I don't think we will ever see that.
One other thing. If MS, were proven to be fatal, or easily "catchable" then you would see real change.
Too many involved in MS are all covering their own backs. They fear a cure because they would all loose their careers if one was found .They have to cover themselve looking busy