Hi ya. Last few years Ive been having chronic fatigue,blindspots,forgetfulness,bowel issiues,clumsiness.urge for urination then leaking if cant get there. All made worse in summer. Recently though,I have been waking up with the tips of my middle two fingers numb. Ive just turned 40 and would love to get my life back....Also my sister was diagnosed with ms last year.Does this sound like anybody elses symptoms. Thank you.
Ms maybe: Hi ya. Last few years Ive been... - My MSAA Community
Ms maybe

Those can be symptoms of MS, but also of many other conditions. I do hope you are seeing a neurologist and being tested to find out why you have these symptoms.
Stay in touch and let us know how testing is progressing and how you’re doing.
Sounds familiar but I know those could be symptoms of other illnesses also.

I have the chronic fatigue, bowel problems and some of the other symptoms you mentioned. Being as Sis was diagnosed that does increase your chances of ms. We're not docs here, but I think you should consult an MS specialist. They also serve many with similar neurological issues that have similar symptoms. Please keep us posted and know that we are here for you and your sister.
Am curious if they tested you for JC virus.I think a lot of symptoms for me(everone is different) is possibly from it.A common virus..but triggers.My cousin also had MS but still docs don't believe genetics possible...Tia's and many other issues can act like MS.Let us know but know we care!
Hi & welcome to the wild & crazy life of living w/M.S. symptoms & our awesum family... Yes. Those sound like M.S. symptoms, but you need a proper DX by an M.S. specialist Neurologist...ie M.R.I. to look for lesions on brain, spinal tap to look for oglionical bands in fluid, as there are over 80 different auto-immune diseases out there... Get to a specialist k...much live& Blessings-💐😄😍-jazzinco
sounds msy but a neuro is your friend, ask for a cranial MRI, take valium for the mri & avoid spinal taps. Good luck from their.
Some of it does, but MS has such a wide variety of symptoms that no two people have the same ones. The only way to know for sure is to get to a neuro who specializes in MS and get MRIs done, and perhaps a spinal tap. Unfortunately, MS is a disease of ruling out the ones that mimic it.