My MS family share grieve love laugh bandaid us help put issues and solutions out share heart soul etc.Changes in life and sometimes houses!Id love to do lunch with all of you.My best bud passed away this morning from an infection.I cant even begin to list what she gave to me personally just as you all do, but she was a 1 am talker and didn't know I was really related to her until a funeral one day she showed up at.All those years....My grief is selfish because its my loss I feel.She isn't hurting.I have felt the loss but I feel the gain, of years of sisterhood etc.WIth MS one day will I appreciate the gain I have from illness....its hard for me to be grateful for pain etc.That would be what my dear friend would say to love, is to feel the opposite or we would not know.thoughts.I will add, last stress test blurb was a blurb!My heart just aches now just because it does.
Sharing good news and selfish news.Grief... - My MSAA Community
Sharing good news and selfish news.Grief of MS and loss but gains...

Jackie it's Fancy1959. Don't try to put your wreath out of focus at this point because it's a natural way we deal with the stress especially as women when the tears flow and we rebuild our soul one memory at a time. Grief is never selfish again it's our natural way of dealing with the loss of someone or something we loved. The more you remember your friend the closer she will be and she will always be at your side helping you to beat this monster. When you have indecision and you can't decide how best to protect yourself but the decision comes quick and straightforward it will be your friend helping you from above. When it's been a long and tiring day and you are run out and can't move but you feel a gentle breeze caress across your scalp and forehead it will be your friend caressing you to revive your energy and to let you know you are not alone. Never doubt she is watching you from above and helping to guide you as your guardian angel. Think of her often with a smile on your face because she deserves nothing less.
Matthew 5:4 blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Grieving is the process God uses to bring us to a point of wholeness. Grieving Is His great gift to us. It is a necessary part of our journey, healing. Nothing in life can prepare us for the loss of a loved one, so you are not being selfish by grieving. Sit back and enjoy your memories, she will be forever in your heart. God bless Jimeka 🤗 🌈
I weep wproceswe R here for u during this time,May YAH Bless U sweet Jackie, I agree w/ Fancy & Jemika, she will be forever w/U in your heart, u shall see her again too on the shores of Glory, & you'll both dance & sing so happy together! So rejoyce in that after your grieving process of missing her here. many Blessings & much loves to u.❤😍💜💙💛😻👍🙏🙏🙏👏--Jazzyinco
How sorry I am to hear about the loss of your friend. I’ll be praying for God’s comfort for you. I hope you have many treasured memories to ease your grief.
Let the heartfelt words of your MS family Fancy, Jimeka, Jazzy, Greater,.....etc bring you comfort and always know we will mourn with you and be here for you with much love
Take Care of You
I hope you take comfort in all these beautiful, heartfelt replies. What a blessing it is to have had such a dear friend. My deepest sympathy to you.
so sorry to hear of your loss, I will keep you in my thoughts
I’m so sorry for your loss Jackie. May the memories of your friendship bring you comfort. I know how hard it is to lose a dear friend that has a significant part in your life. Grief affects us all differently so give yourself all the time you need to reflect and heal. You are in my thoughts.