Hi gang once again I'm sure you're asking yourself what did I finally break down and do? I got myself the latest fashion accessory which I think is ugly as Sin but beauty is as Beauty does. Have I confused you yet? Well I broke down and got a fall button emergency monitoring system. Since I'm home alone a lot or out doing grocery shopping excetera by myself we finally felt it was time that I need it to be able to reach help at a push of a button. About 4 weeks ago was the bad week that I took three Falls in one week. The first one giving me my eighth concussion. Luckily I was at home but I have fallen while I'm out and about to. So I have this button hanging around my neck that I pray that never have to do. But I know I need it and I know it is important to keep bit on my neck at all times. I can even wear it in the shower or jump in the lake with it on because it is completely waterproof. Anybody else experiencing bad balance issues that are at a high risk of falling I encourage you to do your research and look at the top five companies out there and pick one that will work the best for you and get yourself a direct line to help. I just Googled the top five fall assist buttons and they came up. It's easy to do. You can check the rates by calling them and check their features and figure out which one meets your needs the best. If it's time don't wait. Waiting could cause you to have serious and high-risk health issues occur when no one is around to help. If you want to talk about it with me I'll feel free to reply back to me and I can tell you what experiences I've had over the past week with my fall button on. I'll take a selfie and show you the fall button only so you can see it. If you need one I hope this helps and I hope this encourages you to really think seriously about protecting yourself. Sometimes we are all we've got. And we all know that sometimes what we can do is not enough. Here's my picture of my call Button. I look forward to your replies.
Well I finally broke down and did it! - My MSAA Community
Well I finally broke down and did it!

Glad you got that Fancy1959 with all the falls you were having. My great grandma had got one of those a few years ago and she had to push it a few different times because when she would holler for my aunt an uncle they couldn't always hear her at their side of the house or if they were out of town. Her neighbor had a key to the house so if paramedics needed to get in the house, they knew where there was an extra key.
Love it, glad you decided that you are worth it Fancy1959 ! 👍👏
Good for you 👍 Makes a lot of since you are alone 😉. I carry my cell phone all the time, even just in the yard. I have a snow machine whistle I take when walking the dogs 🐶. Better safe than sorry 😐Congrats 👍🙏🐾 Ken
Fancy1959 Thank you for sharing this. The call button is a life saver. I hope you don't need it, but it is wise to have it available. Ask Jimeka for ideas on how to accessorize it. Maybe rhinestones? A butterfly decal? The possibilities are endless!
So glad you got one. I've considered getting one for myself, but since my husband is almost always glued to my side and watching me like a hawk in case I fall, haven't really seen the need for one. Other than the time I fell when I was on one side of the house and he was on the other side of the house and he didn't hear me yelling for him. Which is why I now carry my cell phone with me everywhere I go. I hope you don't ever have to use yours, but it's god to have the peace of mind to know it's there if you need it.
Make sure you use it when you need to. When my mom lived in her home she went to collect the paper in the winter. She fell in the driveway and couldn't get up. So she dragged herself down the drive to the house, up 3 steps and down a long hall to get to her phone. She called my sister (because she knew I would call 911) who rushed to her house from clear on the other side of town. My mom refused to let her call an ambulance. Somehow my sister got her to, and into, her car and drove her to the hospital where it was discovered she'd broken her hip and had to have surgery! My mom was a Very stubborn woman!
Moral... Use the button when needed!!!
I'm glad you got one!