I’m wondering if any one else suffers from finger pain. My little finger throbs most of the time, especially at night. I’m looking for a way to ease the pain without taking more drugs.
Finger Pain: I’m wondering if any one else... - My MSAA Community
Finger Pain

I use to have finger pain mostly on my buckles, still have it not as bad. I asked my doctor and she said it was probably arthritis because it was mostly in my knuckles and the time I was getting the pain was when it was cold I also us a heating pad to warm up my hands. It helps some what.

I do, most!y in my left hand, probably cause I'm left handed!😀 I put on fingertips less gloves to warm up my hands but doesn't really help much.
I have a PCP appt next month, so will ask him then.. If I remember.😄
J 🌠
Linda3579 😊
Thanks Lois. Yes, I have looked into other answers, but no luck. Linda
I haven’t tried the olive oil massage. I’ll try that. THANK YOU!
Linda3579 I get intermittent finger pain only in one little finger, only at night. Sometimes strong enough to wake me. When I send my mind to focus on it, it stops, then a similar pain arises in a shoulder, elbow, wrist etc. I don't think it's arthritis because it happens only at night and doesn't last for long. I've assumed it's merely my nerves staying busy when the rest of me is attempting to be idle. Years ago, my left wrist was badly broken; recovery took years, allowing me lots of time to observe how varied and discrete nerve pain can be. Though I don't have the answer for your question, I assume that the moving, intermittent pains that I feel at night are caused by nerve signals that I don't sense during the day because I am moving about and using my body.
Reading your post you did remind me that while having the pain in my fingers I also had pain that was bad enough in my wrist it made me feel so bad I would put an ace bandage on my wrist and that happened about five years ago and now thinking about it it had stopped about a year afterwards. Funny how things happen to you. The you forget about them until someone brings them up.
I wish I had some words of wisdom, but all I have in my fingers are numbness and tremors. Good luck. Hope you find some relief.
Thanks Sukie! 😊 Linda
I get burning pain in my fingers (more left than right; I am right hand) depending how much I use my hands and whether they were exposed to very cold weather. I find hand massage works and those circular webs to stretch my fingers. I have to give them more rest periods in the winter. I think some is also arthritis; musician and gardener over the years. Less I use them the more they hurt when I resume my normal activities.
I have intermittent pain in both hand at the very tip joints that is worse at nighttime. I had an X-ray of both hands and feet this year when rheumatoid arthritis was a remote possibility (that pain usually starts at the joints closest to the hand, not farthest).
I blame it on MS. It is worse when I’m fatigued. I count it as a pseudo exacerbation. No idea if that’s true or if I just have “regular” arthritis as well. Hard to distinguish symptoms these days...
As for relief without drugs...haven’t found much that works but I do try to pay attention which positions I fall asleep in give the worse pain in the middle of the night. I’m thinking it’s a spasticity issue and keeping my fingers fully extended seems to help.
Is there any position that makes it worse or better?