Perhaps someone has already done this and I missed the post, but I wanted to thank Tutu for all her service to us as ambassador. Great job! You are such an amazing woman, always serving others. Thank you for your time serving us. With love, Kelly π
Thanks to Tutu: Perhaps someone has... - My MSAA Community
Thanks to Tutu

Agree 100%. Thank you.....
WAshingtongirl has been a wonderful voice and help on this forum. She can't be thanked too many times.

I know she has been thanked, but can anyone receive too many thanks? She's amazing!
You guys are making me blush π. I've been thanked repeatedly. Thank you. But honestly, I only did/do what all of you and everyone else on the forum does. We may not always agree with each other outside of this place, but we are family. We love and listen and encourage. So THANK YOU ALL for what YOU do. We're all in this together--with MS, but also in helping each other through the rough times, and finding laughter in, sometimes, the strangest ways. I'm not going anywhere! I love you all too much and I feel your love for me as well. π