I was having a minor surgical procedure and the anesthesiologist came in and said to me, "I see you have a little MS" A LITTLE MS??? Silently I said, "Dear Lord, please keep one hand on my shoulder and your other one over my mouth!"
Sometimes you just gotta smile.... - My MSAA Community
Sometimes you just gotta smile....

Oh, goodness! I'd have been speechless, unable to think of anything to say. But maybe that's a good thing! 😉 I love that saying--I had a little plaque with that painted on it. My mom loved it so much, I shared it with her.
I hope you are doing ok and your procedure went well. 💕
Wonder what a "big MS" would be.
😂😜 Sorry punterstein but it was a bit funny! Not really but you just have to laugh sometimes, like you said.
@punterstein ...and what DID you say in response??....
What possesses people to say something like that anyway?? A doctor no less. I don't get it.
punterstein i hope that you weren't having minor surgery after your fall? Hope it went well. I would have maybe given that doctor 👨⚕️ a black eye, just to match yours of course lol! 🦋 🌈 🤗
Is that like a little bit pregnant?
If you have a little MS could you please tell me where I can trade mine in for that amount. Some people are just fools I swear they don't know what there saying or if they are missing something in there brain. LOL
A LITTLE MS?? Is she kidding? Hope the surgery was successful and you're doing well.
Hi my friends (who actually understand) Thanks. All went well with the procedure and I so wish I had come back with that retort that greaterexp said. "Is that like a little bit pregnant?" That would have been perfect!!
Sometimes you just grin & bear it, attempt to explain M.S. or like you said pray and pass the duct tape. A number of years after I was diagnosed , a therapist was evaluating my strength,& flexibility. I naturally wasn't real limber etc.. I told her that I had M.S. and she said " Oh that's ok you won't have it long .". Thinking she didn't understand what I said. I repeated it again... maybe she thought I said PMS. So my attempt @ explaining fell on deaf ears and I changed therapist. Sometimes ya just feel like "what just happened. 😙