Prior to the COVID19 Apocolypse, I'd attend monthly "Eat and Greet" lunches or the occasional dinner, usually sponsored by a pharma company, featuring a neurologist talking about MS. I loved these events because I would learn soooooo much about this mess I've dealt with for 20+ years!
However, I remember one neurologist talked about how there were questions he always asked his patients during an exam and what their general responses were. One question in particular has come slamming home to me recently:
Neuro--"Are you having any urinary problems?"
Patient--"Ummmmm, nope! No problems at all!"
The neuro said he would pause, then say, "You have MS. You mght want to re-think that."
Then. he neuro (who may very well been MY previous neurologist, come to think of it), would then explain what he meant by what he'd say to his patients: Over 80% of MS patients have urinary problems. He probably could have seen there was SOMETHING going on from the MRI, which is like a map for a neurologist. But more importantly, he said he needed his patients to tell him EVERYTHING! That was how he could treat his patients the best. So please don't be shy!
Anyway, the very first thing my new neurologists confronted me about was my "urinary problems I was having and she over-heard me talking to a nurse about when I was returning to the exam room.
I almost responded with the same knee-jerk response that neurologist would say, "You have MS. You might want to rethink that!"
Anyone ever heard of an "MS Blsdder"?