I'm back at my neuro tomorrow (very unexpected). Looks like I will be trying Aubagio. Anyone out there on it with good experiences with it? Very much appreciated. Love to all, Kelly
Aubagio: I'm back at my neuro tomorrow... - My MSAA Community

Kelly, I'm really glad for you to start this treatment and pray it goes very well. I don't have any experience with Aubagio, but I know others will graciously share info.
Hey Kelly,
Hope all is going well with you and the only reason you're seeing your neuro about is taking a new medicine. I've been taking Aubagio since I was first dx 2 years ago. Works well for me. I also take Amprya to help with what I call my "funny walk"
Just to forewarn, when first starting Aubagio some of your hair will fall out. Not a lot, when your hair is in its shedding cycle/growth cycle you'll find some of your hair comes out. Once the hair reaches the next cycle the hair stops falling out.
Hope you find this helpful.
Jennie, thanks for your input. I have loads of thick hair, so I should be okay. 🤡
Yes, I have good results. Been on it a little over a year. Recent MRI showed no new lesions. Plus no relapse.
At first you will have hair loss and maybe diarrhea. And you need blood test every month for six months to check liver enzymes. After that, blood test every three months.
Been on it for 2 yrs after sufferinf effects of avonex..very happy with it!
Been on it for 2 yrs after sufferinf effects of avonex..very happy with it!
I became immune to Tysabri in January 2017. My neuro put me on Abagio after I got out of the hospital. I have been on it since then. I had a MRI in April as we thought I was having another relapse. Fortunately I did not have any new activity and the lesions that were active in January have become inactive. I continue to have walking problems but other than that the Aubagio seems to be working.
Amore55 , I'm relieved you were able to get an appt and get started on the Aubagio. I'm praying this is the one! Please let us know how you are doing once you start it. 💕
Amore55 It did not work for me because it turns out I have PPMS. However. The first few doses will kick you A#$! At least they did for me. At one point, I had 6 blankets and my wife laying on top of me trying to stop the shivering. The flu like symptoms were terrible. After that, I had no ill effects at all. It was very docile after that. So stick with it through the first few weeks. It gets better.
aubagio works for me
Hi Kelly! I've been on Aubagio for about 5 months and had no problems, There is the hair loss but it has not been severe and I feel better thatn I have for years.
Amore55 hi I was on Aubagio for only 4 months. It actually decreased my cognitive symptoms, no side effects at all, except I went in worried about allergic effect on lungs because that was in clinical trials-a negative side effect. I've had chronic bronchitis for 30 yrs, and fatigued induced asthma, so no surprise to me that by 3rd month I had severe bronchitis flare up. Took going to new neurologist to get off of it and switch to Copaxone once clear of infection. But it was great in all other ways!! My symptoms are getting worse on Capoxone. Unless you have history of lung problems I think Aubagio is great!
Hi Amore55
Hi there.
I was first on Copaxone, which caused some cognitive side effects, so I gave Aubagio a try for about 2 months. I know your post asks for positive feedback, but I thought I'd offer my experience in the event you had something similar happen to you in the way of side-effects down the road. Aubagio caused a severe GI reaction - diarrhea, cramps, etc.- to the point of dehydration and dangerous weight loss. I had to discontinue it because the side effects did not resolve.
I hope you the medication is efficacious for you. I know it is for many!! 😃God Bless You on your journey. 🙏
Hi Kelly,
I started on Aubagio in January. I haven't had any adverse effects from it other than it made me hungry for the first few weeks which my Neurologist told me could happen along with the possibility of thinning hair.
Hoping you find it agrees with you.
I have been on Aubagio for almost a year. I saw my Neuro 1 month after starting it (reg scheduled vsit). she said it was my best physical check up in my over 2 years with her. She never says how the physical exam has gone. I saw an improvement, as had my husband, and physical therapy eam who I have been with for over 5 years, I hope Aubagio works for you. Make sure you get the blood tests for liver enzymes for the first 6 months.
How are you getting on with the Aubagio Amore55