Wanting to know if anyone is taking the 7mg of Aubagio. My neurologist said it’s not as effective as the 14mg. Other neurologists agree also that it isn’t as effective.
Aubagio question : Wanting to know if... - My MSAA Community
Aubagio question

I was an Ambassador for Aubagio and I can tell you this from the program presentation. The percentage difference between the 7mg and 14mg were minimal during the clinical trials.
Trial I
64% (14mg) of patients were free from new active brain lesions and 51% (7mg).
80% remained free from disability progression (14mg)
78% (7mg).
Trial 2
80% VS 57% reduction in brain lesions
84% Vs 79% Disability progrssion
By any chance were these trials done with people who have PPMS or did they all have RRMS , thank you blessings Jimeka 🦋 🍫
Have you been on the 14 mg. I have been for 2/1/2 years now, RR MS. At first I lost some hair and felt a little flu-like. Few weeks. Doable. Since I have had no trouble at all. All MRI's are normal! No new lesions or activity. Annual MRI next month. I pray the results remain the same!! Good luck to you!!!
I have been on 14mg since 2016. Hair loss still but overall no other major issues. I was a lot more fatigued further along and a nurse friend suggested I take 1/2 my pill so I tried that and I feel it has helped. My neurologist will watch me and I think I’ll switch to 7mg being it seems to be better for me. I have RRMS.
I've been on the 14 mg. for several years and LOVE it! No side effects and minimal issues with my MS. If I may ask, why are you wanting the 7 mg?
Because my fatigue was way worse and so I started to take 1/2 of the 14mg and it seems to have helped.
My fatigue is an issue... I have to nap every day. Never thought about that being attributed to the Abagio. Your MRI's are consistently good? Food for thought... But I would gladly have fatigue over the alternative of more lesions, etc...
Keep us posted!!! I would love to be able to get over a work day or an outing with family and not feel so fatigued. I've just been told and assumed it is the joy of having MS.... And nap is necessary but I never really wake up from them. Always tired...