Anyone on aubagio, if so what has your experience with it been like?
Aubagio: Anyone on aubagio, if so what has... - My MSAA Community

Was on Aubiago for three years and worked great 👍🏼 No new lesions and no side effects 👍🏼. Good luck and hopefully it works well 🙏😉🐾🐾
I didn’t do well on it. I was on it for 5 months and my symptoms felt like they kept getting worse, e.g., walking, urination, vision, fatigue. I complained so much the whole time to my doctor that she switched me to another dmt. I didn’t get any new lesions that were observable on an mri that i know of, but idk because I don’t think i had an mri right after trying it.
I’ve been on Aubagio for 3 1/2 years and been having same problems as Neworleanslady and I’m going to try Kesimpta and hope it works better than Aubagio.
I’ve been on Aubagio for 5 years and this has been the longest on a DMT in 20 years. I’ve been on 6 others prior to this. New lesions have been minimal, exacerbations fewer. I have them but they are on my old lesions. MRI’s have been clean for new lesions.
Thanks,glad to hear that. I want to change to an oral med and my doctor recommended it.
Hi Blue000 , I’ve been on Aubagio for 8 years (wow!) after 7 yrs of strictly Homeopathic and natural remedies to detox etc. A relapse in 2013 directed my doctor to Aubagio and been on it since. MRI’s show “no significant change…” minimal side effects… some hair loss but none that showed. Easy to take and I’ve learned over the years that it isn’t horrible if you miss a dose or even if you go several days without say when insurance change causes lag. One on one nurse assured me I’d be okay.
I've been on it for most of my MS life. Love it! Easy to take, no bad reactions, and so far (knock wood) my MRIs have been pretty stable.
Thanks, been on copaxone for 15 years,running out of injection sites and had a new lesion on my MRI. Time for a new med!
I have been on aubagio for 3 years since I've been diagnosed. It's easy because it's just one pill a day. The only side effect I had was in the beginning with some hair thinning that lasted a couple months but it all grew back. No other side effects and I have not had any new lesions. Hope you find what works best for you.
Thanks,was wondering about the hair loss.
I have been on aubagio for several years after having switched from tecfidera. I've had no issues and everything is ok.
I was on Aubagio for a short time and am about to restart it. Had no issues with it but I know it can affect your liver. You will need to have liver panels done every month for at least the first 6 months you are on it
Thanks for the information.
I have been in it for about 4 yes. love it . keeping my MS in check. Good luck!