Anyone been diagnosed with gastroparesis? Starting to wonder if it's the root of my stomach problems. I can only eat really small meals or I start having difficulties. Guess I need to get an appointment with a doctor.
MS and gastroparesis: Anyone been... - My MSAA Community
MS and gastroparesis

Hi StacyHayward, I have the same problem only eating small portions even in smooths. My guess is related to nervous sensors, motility and circulation. I also feel more tired than before when I eat even these small amount of food. Then I have another hypothesis, which is related to brain blood circulation. I just read an article saying that people with MS can have less blood flow due to venous circulation.
To help my digestion I take daily probiotics pills and extra probiotics with phage bacteria. Read about that.
StacyHayward i haven't read @ gastroparesis due to MS but it makes sense that the same nerve innervation problems that contribute to constipation or fecal incontinence in MS could also cause gastroparesis.
Then again, so can many other things to include med. side effects. Have you been evaluated for this?
Hi StacyHayward, I was diagnosed with gastroparesis last year when I started losing weight as I just wasn't hungry. 1 or 2 bites and I was full. They did a stomach emptying study where you eat, in my case it was scrambled eggs with a dye in them, then you lie on a table and they see how long it takes for your stomach to empty. The test took approx. 2 hours. There is a gastroparesis diet that I follow. You can look it up online. No fiber, no meats that are difficult to digest, no sugar, no fried foods - all the things that taste good. I was down to 89 lbs. before the diagnosis. Up about 12 lbs. You get used to turning down the foods that you know will trigger a reaction such as bloating and gas (or the foods that fill you up just by looking at them). Not a horrible diet but definitely has it's limitations. The dr. felt it was directly related to my MS.
I was having serious digestion issues, was very uncomfortable. Neuro suggestion a more vegan diet. When I did that, it cleared. Slowly I figured out it was lactose intolerant causing the issues.
StacyHayward I have the same problem, no dx but i started to do what @Miriade does and it helped me a lot! I will talk to the dock about this. Take care and good luck!
My mother has gastroparesis. She saw a GI doc for the dx and did have the transit study done as mentioned above. We had her start on an elimination diet and then she added foods back slowly To see what she tolerated. Basically, what punterstein said. I do have concerns about nutritional deficits for my mom.
She also takes Reglan to help with gastric motility.
You also might want to consider looking at the FODMAP diet (good for IBS)