Just finished. Nothing too fancy. The yarn has a story in that a friend of mine from Great Britain😊🌈🦋sent me the aqua colored yarn because someone gave it to her. The set is for another friend's mother that is being treated for cancer. First time ever I named a piece of work, Seascapes! Sending prayers to her that it brings her healing, peace and calm. 💞
HOTH-Hot off the Hook: Just finished... - My MSAA Community
HOTH-Hot off the Hook

I'm sure your lovely work will be greatly appreciated. How thoughtful you are!
She will love it! I know that when I was going through chemo therapy I was always cold and it was in the middle of Summer. A warm knltted cap would help to keep me warm.
That's wonderful CalfeeChick, Seascape,I love it, blessings Jimeka 🦋 👍 🌈
CalfeeChick gorgeous! Love the colors. Appropriately named. A gift sure to be loved 😊
WOWOWOW!!! Beautiful!!!
CalfeeChick Stunningly beautiful! Your friend's mother will be wrapped in love. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent.
Another beautiful gift, CalfeeChick . I love the colors. 💕
SOOOO Beautiful! Love the colors! LOVE, HUGS and PRAYERS. Your friend will be wrapped in your warmth with these!

Absolutely Gorgeous CalfeeChick May it give your friend warm "sea" healing prayers 💕
I love the hat! Great job on the set.
CalfeeChick, it's Fancy1959. You are very gifted! The hat and blanket are so beautiful.
Lovely work, and a thoughtful gift.