Is anyone on Lemtrada? I did not do well on Tysabri and have been without treatment since Nov. 16. I attended a health session on Lemtrada on Monday, March 13 and a dr's appt on March 15. Some days I just feel overwhelmed and have no idea what is the next step to take. This week was no exception! However, this morning I received this photo from my son with three of his dental colleagues encouraging me to continue to fight! He reminded me that he was my biggest advocate. Let us remember that we are not alone even when we feel like we are!
WE ARE NOT ALONE!: Is anyone on Lemtrada... - My MSAA Community

Lexsaret, it's Fancy1959, what a wonderful sentiment you have just shared with the entire chat room. I'm sending you a big electronic hug to let you know that you are indeed not alone. Keep your chin up and just sqeeze my hands tight whenever you need to talk or lean on me because I will always there for you. There are days when all of us feel overwhelmed at something that is out of our control. So do not feel like it's only you because it is not. In fact, this entire chat room is incredible about supporting members who find themselves in need. Remember, together we are stronger!
What a blessing your son is, lexsarset ---as are those willing to sacrifice their time to walk and raise funds to help all of us.
I'm not on any DMTs, so I can't answer your question there. Thanks for the pic and the post, though! 💕
That's a great picture! What a handsome bunch of folks! Whatever you choose, treatment or not, I'm sure you have the stuff it takes to keep going. Thanks for posting an inspiring picture.
lexsarset great reminder and photo (where is your son in this photo? As in which person and geographic location?)
Curious because I've been calling for NMSS to remind folks all over Fla about the walks in their areas...and I'm walking with a team on April 2nd and helping at the registration table. 👣👣👣
I am not sure if I m answering ur question , however, my son is the only African American in photo! LoL! They are in New Orleans, LA. They are all graduating from LSU dental school on May 18th. They are a diverse group who have become close after spending 4 yrs together. Lex, my son, said it was an awesome turn out. He was impressed by the amount of participation. Awesome 4 you! Hope u have a great turn out!!!!

Welcome back lexsarset l hope you had a wonderful vacation! And what an inspiring picture! Unfortunately l don't know anything about Lemtrada. But lm sure there are some! You can also check out MSAA S.E.A.R.C.H. they have info on the different DMT's and what you can discuss with your Neuro.☺
What a great group you have there, lexsarset . Three cheers for your son and his colleagues.
I'm not on Lemtrada, but only because my current DMT is "working". My neurologist is very high on it. She's an MS specialist and has had patients involved in some of the trials. IF I have a relapse, she wants me to go that route.
@LEXSARSET I just finished my 2nd round of lemtrada, did have a lesion on my spine right before the start of my 2nd dose, I was one of the lucky one's and really had no side effects. It is true to just drink lots and lots of water. Good luck to ya.
lexsarset sorry forgot to tell you to check out SHIFT.MS and there are 2 groups on Facebook where you can find out a lot about Lemtrada.
Thank you RedLips for your response. I am glad that your treatment is working. I pray mine will as well. Thanks for info at Lemtrada.