It's a big one for him ( 5-0 ) and My finances are limited, so I opted for a gift from the heart ❤️
Birthday gift for my lil brother - My MSAA Community
Birthday gift for my lil brother

Your brother will love that, well done
Love the colors!
I really like that. It causes the viewer to feel as if they are looking up to see how big and wide the world is and how small we are. At least it does that for me!
That is so very awesome, on so many different levels!!!
I rarely make estimate as to the reactions of folks whom I've never met, but here I must make an exception. He will love it.
If my hunch is wrong, however, no need to hassle with international shipping-- just send it on down to Atlanta. I'm sure that jimeka will understand 😜
So colorful. Guess I know what you've been doing all day, or all week. Great job.

It's wonderful. You are so talented.
Fall is my favorite time of year and you captured it erash . I hope your brother gets to enjoy his beautiful birthday gift before jimeka or GasLight get their hands on it first. 🎁
Smart AND talented? And a beautiful heart, as evidenced by your painting which came from your heart. You're amazing, erash!
Ahhh...shucks u guys are too kind. But my middle younger brother happened to be in town last night with his wife and she said, "they're trees right?"
That burst my bubble. I guess I will keep my day job...oh right, I don't have a day job anymore 😜
It was however, really wonderful to see them (last time was in May) 💕
No one likes her comment erash . She obviously was jealous of you! The painting is absolutely gorgeous! 💝
Jesmcd2 nah, I think it was a sincere comment. She's a nice person. Art is in the eye of the beholder. My problem is I'm eternally my own biggest fan (LOL)
I'm sure your brother will love it. It's beautiful! My son is an artist & tatooist. He's drawn and painted since he was a toddler. His dad, older sister, and I, have always told him that anything he makes, we love and appreciate more than a purchased gift. As you said, it's from the heart that makes all the difference! I wish I had your talent and his. Keep up the great work!

Hidden thanks! And how wonderfully supportive you are of your son 👍
You know you're wonderful erash!