Want to trade baskets?: Sorry to post... - My MSAA Community

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Want to trade baskets?

Amore55 profile image
25 Replies

Sorry to post again so soon, but I heard something that that really made me think and wanted to share it. Imagine there were 100 people standing in a circle, each holding their basket of their life troubles. You have the option to put down your basket of troubles and pick up someone else's. Would you do it? I know I would rather keep mine, ms, financial the whole thing. I am curious how you feel about this. Love, Kelly xxx

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Amore55 profile image
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25 Replies
CalfeeChick profile image

I'll keep what I have, I realize often that I am really blessed to have been active, healthy overall compared to others my "advanced" age of 68. I've been through many physical obstacles and overcome them all. MS is trying to knock me down, or maybe it's the holidays, but I will overcome.

Bygonelines profile image

I will definitely keep mine. At least I know what to expect and not expect with my issues. Besides these troubles are what have made me the person I am today and I like the person I am. I may want to change a few things but I like the person I am, flaws and all. I worked darn hard to get a handle on these troubles and I don't have the energy or desire to start over and learn to get a handle on a whole new batch of troubles.

jennie62 profile image

I have to agree with the posts! I'll keep mine. Having MS isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I've never been one to be patient, but I think having MS is teaching me how to slow down and listen to the world around me. Even if I have PPMS, could be worse.

jimeka profile image

I have to be honest with you all. I was having a real downer day as we all do from time to time. My sister who has if she is fortunate, 5/6 years left , she has breast cancer which has moved into her sternum and lungs. She is taking bone cement to stop her bones from crumbling, and she cannot have anymore radio therapy or chemo, but she is still able to enjoy herself. She plays polo, goes horse riding, out to lunch 4/5 times a week, goes bike riding, gets her quad out, you name it she is trying to do it. I actually said I would trade places with her , as she gets down on the floor with her grandchildren and she does lots of things I would love to be able to do, and can't because I am not physically able, or too tired, all due to the ms. So sorry guys, blessings Jimeka

erash profile image
erash in reply to jimeka

jimeka , my blessings to both you and your sister. she is an inspiration. We do the best we can...

goatgal profile image
goatgal in reply to jimeka

We all contribute in different ways. Your posts, jimeka, are so supportive and positive! Though I haven't been on this site for long, your voice and your experiences are everywhere here: showing others the path you have traveled, offering blessings, encouraging those whose faces you never see. Like your sister, you are active. You just ride a different pony!!

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to goatgal

Thank you goatgal, let me know when your first book is to be printed, I look forward to reading it. Blessings Jimeka

erash profile image

When I read the question, my immediate inclination was, I will keep mine but can I help lighten the baskets of others who may not be strong enough to deal with their load.

Then again, I'm feeling strong today...tomorrow I might want help with my basket

jennie62 profile image
jennie62 in reply to erash


You've put into words that which I cannot. PLEASE Let me lighten your basket.

You sound just like I was when I was younger. I always was helping others. I didn't even realize I was like that until someone told me to stop and just take care of myself. Time to get back to the way I was and stop being selfish and such a worrywart.


CalfeeChick profile image
CalfeeChickCommunityAmbassador in reply to erash

So true, with cooler weather, my legs have been revolting and I've had more rough days. I still want to encourage others to be all that they can be.

Royjr profile image

I would definitely keep mine. MS is a bad chronic illness but it's not a deaf sentence.

Michelednlp profile image

I will keep my basket. At least I know what to expect. Even when I have really bad days, I try to remember that I am blessed and there is always someone who has it worse than I do.

erash profile image
erash in reply to Michelednlp

Michelednlp i agree with all but the "at least we know what to expect" perhaps that's 1 of the most challenging things for me, not knowing what to expect day to day and long term.

Michelednlp profile image
Michelednlp in reply to erash

Erash I probably should have phrased that part another way. I agree with you that it is challenging and with MS you can't predict your outcome. I just meant, that for myself, I am aware of the worst outcomes, best outcomes along with symptoms, disability, etc. With all the terrible things MS brings , I still feel keeping my basket would be best for me. It could ALWAYS be worse for myself. Currently, I am having to decide if I can still carry out my job duties or if I may have to step down. I have had "Dory Brain" for the past several months and am forgetting very important work related things. My coworkers have even started calling me "Dory". 😊

erash profile image
erash in reply to Michelednlp

Michelednlp i just stopped working 6 weeks ago. It was and still is a bumpy transition but there are lots of bright sides to it!

Morllyn profile image

Keep mine.

WonderMom profile image

Hi great thought provoking question! I would keep mine. To put it down would mean I would also be discarding all of the blessings in my life some of which I have gained because of MS.

Thanks for your post.

goatgal profile image

This is a powerful teaching idea. Thank you for sharing it. Like you, I would prefer to keep my basket. Its contents are familiar, like a basket containing balls of yarn once used to knit a sweater or wrap, and a few skeins bought on sale with a plan to use later. I understand that the contents of other baskets may be heavier, sometimes too heavy to carry, and I always want to do what I can to help those who are overburdened. Your post makes me feel fortunate: yes I carry troubles, aches and pains. fears and disappointments, but so does everyone, and mine are light enough to bear. Thank you again for giving me a different perspective.

Jesmcd2 profile image

Amore55 what an interesting and thought provoking question. My honest answer would be that l would never wish my basket to anyone else. I have overcome way to much and as others said it makes me who l am. But bottom line is my life sucked and would take someone stronger than me to pick it up if that makes sense.☺


positiveness profile image

Hi Amore55. This question reminds me of a particular story I have shared with people at times. It is about a dream a person once had about Jesus showing him a room with different size crosses. Some were big and heavy, while others were medium sized and still others were smaller. Jesus told him he could pick one of the crosses to bare along his journey in life. He saw many big crosses in the room and figured they would be too heavy, so he picked a rather small cross to bare because he figured it would be lighter than the one he has to bare now. Jesus said to him that that's the same one you have now.

greaterexp profile image

Bless you for posting this. You always are so encouraging. Of course I'll keep my basket. All of you lighten my burden every day by just being here to be an ear for me to share my burdens, wonderful ideas and information to teach me something that will help me ease the burden, and by being the most understanding and kindhearted people who work so hard to overcome obstacles. You daily inspire me.

jimeka profile image

Well Kelly, I want to applaud you firstly for getting us all to think beyond ourselves and I would like to applaud all the rest of you for your honesty. Ms maybe causing us all pain, depression, lack of mobility, cognitive issues, but it cannot rob what we have found on this sight and that is hope, faith and love and damned determination. Blessings Jimeka👏👏👏👏🌈

Eleyne92 profile image

Nope. I won't trade my mess of trouble for someone else's. I know mine and I've been reasonably successful handling them. I don't need or want to learn a new mess of trouble.

howard0425 profile image

When I was healthy, before diagnosis, I would tell people that I would never trade my bag of troubles for another bag. I still feel that way today. I know what my woes are and I can deal with them. That includes disease/illness, money, relationships and others.

angelite profile image

Hi Kelly,

I kept coming back to this thread over last 2 days, wondering how best to answer. The quality of life issue is subjective, as what is quality of life for one may not be acceptable to another. It is true that there is always someone worse off than you. I am lucky that I got 44 years of reasonably 'normal' life before the major disability came along - I could have been born with these issues and never had the experience of knowing a different life. I have learned not to take things for granted and am grateful for the good times. Would I like to put my basket down - yes, of course ! Would I hand it to someone else - I'm not sure my conscience would allow me to. I would be more concerned about what I was handing over than what I would be receiving, as mine is a basket of unknown quantity. x

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