Say Yes!....: We all know of MS... - My MSAA Community

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Say Yes!....

Fancy59 profile image
17 Replies

We all know of MS devastating effects on our mind and our body. It is easy for us to let it get us down and fall into the deep black hole of depression and hopelessness. Once there, MS has us right where it wants us. In charge of our mind in our body, and it can run rampant and destroy us in no time at all. Don't despair, there's a solution that each of us have control of that we sometime forget to use it.

Say Yes!....

Say yes, and celebrate each and every small victory because they add up to major changes in our mind and our body.

Say yes to realizing how much you still have.

Our family, children, grandchildren are still there, and often do they most unexspected things that bring a smile to our face.

If you don't have a family, maybe you have a sibling, close friend or neighbor, or a best friend that you can share in your joys and in your troubles. I believe wholeheartedly in the saying that troubles shared are troubles lessened. If there's no family for you to lean on, you always have your family here in the chat room to talk to, share problems with, or to laugh out loud with.

The sky is still blue. The sunsets are still majestic. The man in the moon is still watching from above. Take a deep breath of air after a big rain and smell how sweet it is.

Look at your favorite landscape and enjoy the colors and the perfection that takes your breath away. Is it the city with its bright lights, tall landscapes, and movement? Is it the mountains with their majestic peaks and roof lined with stars? Is it the lake with its blue, still waters and the peace and tranquility that is represents? Is it the ocean with its perpetual changing tides, untamed waves and barely contained violence that speaks to your soul. Or is it like me, the black planked pastures of Kentucky with fields full of horses that remind you of days gone by when you did so much with them.

Hear a new joke or read some funny things, like jimeka did, and laugh your head off! Say yes and thank you to ken and jimeka and everyone else in the chat room that posts the funnies regularly for us to read and laugh at. They both truly understand the value of YES!

It's hard to stay down or depressed when you're laughing hard, or you have a big smile on your face.

Say YES to keeping your glass half FULL. Say yes to a positive attitude because it goes a long way in knocking this dreaded monster we live with in the head. Dig as deep as you need to and find. the positive vibes in your head and life alive. Laugh at the simple things that you see every day. Find things in your life to enjoy each and every day and keep them in the forefront of your vision.

Say yes and remember the old saying, "Laughter is the best medicine!" Fancy59.

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Fancy59 profile image
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17 Replies
carolek572 profile image

Well written, Fancy59 ! Laughter IS the best medicine! Keep Smiling! :-D

jimeka profile image

Beautifully written Fancy59 , such sentiments, laughter keeps me going, I love Kenu funny every day , blessings Jimeka 💐

Xvettech profile image

what a wonderful post! It’s true - laughter IS the best medicine! Even if you’re the only one laughing!

Helpmeup profile image

You said it beautifully! Can't tell you how much I look forward to the funnies posted here! Nothing beats a good laugh!

Kit10 profile image

Yes I am grateful to Kenu and Jimeka for daily funnies, and anything that makes me laugh out loud gets a "like", whoever posted it.


It it can only be a temporary distraction from the sheer awfulness of my life as it is now.

Fancy59 profile image
Fancy59CommunityAmbassador in reply to Kit10

Kit10, temporary distractions with laughter is only one part of sayìng yes. What else in your life are you grateful for and enjoy being around? Do you have family? Do they also distract you and keep you busy and make you smile? What about siblings or best friends? I know you have the family here to talk to and enjoy the funnies that are posted daily.

I get it, my life is pretty awful compared to what it was simply 7 or 8 years ago. The point is, don't focus on what you don't have focus on what you still have have. Then cheer for every small victory you conquer. I'm still alive some 20+ years after this monster invaded my body and compared to many diseases, that's amazing. Where there's life there's hope. Look outside and enjoy nature's splendor. Whenever you can watch the sunrise and the sunset and enjoy the majesty of the views around you. That in itself gives you a sense of wonder if you let it ìn.

After realizing what you have still to be grateful for dig deep in your psyche and realìze all the little things add up and your glass is still not empty, it is actually half full. Then remember, anytime you need to talk or vent or scream at the unfairness of MS simply know that this family is always close by to talk to you and encourage you to keep going. You need to look for the little things you still have and the big things such as companionship, understanding, caring, and love.

I hope this helps. Until we talk again please take care and remember, we are stronger together. Fancy59.

Kit10 profile image

To answer your questions:

I don't have family.

There is nothing to be grateful for. The glass is empty. I have been outside twice in the last 14 months. All I can see is the garden I once put so much effort into that is totally overgrown.

Small victories - no, the more I cheer the more I think that if I think that if something so small is worth cheering, that just underlines how much I've lost.

And now I've got to go there's a carer at the door and I have to drop everything. Augh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Kit10 profile image

To continue ...

I don't want to be rude or disrespectful to anyone, and not just because it's against the guidelines, but all the false smiles and Pollyanna "glad" stuff just leaves me cold, it's so far from where I am that it misses the mark completely and just makes me feel worse. I don't have a loving partner, I don't have cute grandchildren, I don't have a sibling who's my best friend, I don't have, and wouldn't want pets, and I couldn't care for them properly even if I did have.

And I don't actually see MS as a monster that's invaded my body and wants me to be depressed - as I understand it, it is an autoimmune disease so it is my body that is decaying from the inside and actually I still don't believe it's really MS, which is probably a state of denial but all the help I can get with that is people rather patronisingly telling me that it's understandable that I feel like that then changing the subject. And please don't ask have I considered counselling, because that's a saga of getting the run-around that I don't want to even start telling again.

While there's life there's hope? Nah, this isn't life, it's just existence, Hope? No, not that I can see. I'm a brain trapped in a body that doesn't work, what sort of life is that? What sort of future can there possibly be?

tompumo profile image
tompumo in reply to Kit10

For me, it took a few years. After I lost my friends, realized I'm permanently disabled, don't know what to do or who to talk to, I eventually said to myself 'This is the new me'. I accepted that the old 'me' was dead, and life was starting again from here. And over time, years, I slowly made a new life - a new friend (has MS), support group, playing music. And here I am 10 years later, less money, no house, but I'm still 'standing'. And my new life goes on.

Fancy59 profile image
Fancy59CommunityAmbassador in reply to tompumo

What a great attitude! I wish others could see through the tournament, the loneliness, and the torture they insist on living their lives in. Then come out on the other side, living their new life and making it as good as a possibly can. Fancy59.

Cwright170994 profile image

I've always got the saying, "if you don't laugh, you'll cry," in my head. The elderly gentleman that I see, and talk to regularly when I go for my breakfast has me smiling. From him though, when I saw him yesterday morning, he gave me some worrying news. He had an appointment on Wednesday just gone at Christies, a big cancer hospital in the UK. He has an appointment today to get the results. We still had a bit of a laugh when we caught up though! I remember mentioning to him that the guy with me is my husband, and the gent laughed and said, "I know, you've said before!" 🤣 that had all 3 of us laughing 😁

Kit10 profile image

I've heard it said that if you suppress bad feelings you actually supress ALL feelings and you end up unable to feel good feelings, or put another way, "no rain, no rainbows." Or perhaps, if you don't cry you can't laugh.

Xvettech profile image
Xvettech in reply to Kit10

I’m sorry I don’t believe that. I stopped crying years ago because I didn’t want that man to hurt me anymore. I gave up crying but definitely not laughing! It’s been over a decade since I last cried but only since this morning that I last laughed

Mollyabigail profile image

Fancy, I am printing your post and taking it home to read every morning, along with some other things I read. Thank you. I'm saying "yes."

Fancy59 profile image
Fancy59CommunityAmbassador in reply to Mollyabigail

Your kind words really touch me, Mollyabiggail. It's people like you in the chat room that make it worthwhile to spend the time thinking up and writing the post. As I write them, my. only hope is that some people can connect with them and find a way to change their attitude and/or possibly the way they look at their life. Thank you. Fancy 59.

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to Fancy59

Fancy59 I want you to know that I used your post without your permission so Sue me if you so wish, but a good friend of mine just got dx with prostrate cancer at age 66 and he has lost all confidence, so I adapted your letter to say cancer instead of ms to help give him hope and strength through his operation. What you said seemed so apt for his situation and he needs support right now, so thank you 🙏🤗 blessings Jimeka

jimeka profile image
jimeka in reply to Fancy59

Fancy59 I want you to know that I used your post without your permission so Sue me if you so wish, but a good friend of mine just got dx with prostrate cancer at age 66 and he has lost all confidence, so I adapted your letter to say cancer instead of ms to help give him hope and strength through his operation. What you said seemed so apt for his situation and he needs support right now, so thank you 🙏🤗 blessings Jimeka

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