The brace on the calf is the Bioness L300 for the dropfoot. If you want the thigh cuff you must also have the calf cuff as well. One remote controls both. When you have both the system is called Bioness L300 plus. I don't know if you can see the sensor on my shoe but when I lift my foot the sensor sends a signal to the braces to send simulation. When my foot hits the ground it goes off.
Bioness L300 plus from the front - My MSAA Community
Bioness L300 plus from the front

Walkaide much less intrusive and works on foot drop
The Walkaide I have viewed on you tube, was one that had wires which because of my fingers I would not be able to connect every day. Have they brought out a wireless one. Thanks Jimeka
Thank you for sharing both photos, I am due to go this Wednesday to try various makes I will let you know how I get on. Again many thanks. God bless Jimeka
I have heard of a device that is a belt around the waist with 2 elastic straps, one down each side of the leg, with a piece behind the knee and going down to a piece across below the arch of the foot. It evidently assists with foot drop and lifting the leg. Does anyone know what it is called and where to get one, price, etc please?
It's called a Hip Flexion Assist Device. Go on-line, look up HFAD for info & videos.
Thanks mate!
If you want to see the cloth pads just let me know and I'll post them
Morning, I don't know if you have read my post, but the device that suited me best was the Pace. I am waiting to see about funding. I want to thank you for all the advice that you , Educator and kj9861 has given me and others about the devices. I did ask about the issue of the pads being wet for the thigh bioness and my physiotherapist had alittle spray bottle that she used. If I do get funding I don't know how long a wait until I get it, but it will be like Christmas to me, as I am hoping to be able to walk my dog alittle further than what I do now. God bless Jimeka
Congratulations let us know how it works out. What does the pace look like? Is there a link I can go to?
Great photo, doesn't look as bulky as I picture to be. Only tried on one. Screening rep think I will benefit from both. Trying to figure out if covered some how through insurance.