My 1st infusion was this past Memorial Day wkend. When my neorolgost called and told me that l needed to have it done in the emergency rm, or ck myself in the hospital l chose the emergency room. LOL (l live in a small town and my neorolgost is 2 hrs away)
He told me l had optic neuritis. Which l had no clue or heard of. Thank God for my support group. Another person in my support group was having exubations at the same time. She gave me some hints, like take lemon drops. But l couldn't find any so l got orange tic tacs. Big HUGH mistake it was horrible hahaha. Told me that there would be a surge of energy, thinking yeah clean house. And about taking the prednisone afterwards.
What she forgot to tell me was the starvation feeling afterwards. I was eating 3 bowls of cereal and still hungry lol or the "roid-rage" now don't get me wrong l have a temper it just takes a bit to get there. My bf bless his heart said l would just jump down his throat on a dime. You feel it coming on to and there's nothing you can do about it.
What about you all? 1st time? Last time? Hints? Tips?