I am looking for people I can talk to, relate to and share information on life after surgery for cervical myelopathy
Seeing support for cervical myelopathy - Cervical Myelopathy
Seeing support for cervical myelopathy

Hi pattycakes, everyone as a different story to tell and we all have similar symptoms but some are detected quickly and some so not, I have already applied on other post to you on here I only know of traypod and moderator who keep in touch we spread our knowledge , personally I think cervical myelopathy is poorly understood but there are people who are trying to learn more DRS etc but like as of today we are told no cure

Hi Pattycakes,
While all operations are different and unique in there own way. Feel free to look me up on Facebook if you just want to talk. I have had 2 fusions and may be a bit on the extreme as they waited too long to diagnose and I now spend most of my time outside my home in a wheelchair.
Hi patty cakes I am in the same situation as you I have had 4surgerys all together and now waiting to see urologist, this never ends

4 surgeries????? What type of surgeries were they?
I am 3 years out 2level ACDF in pain night and day. How about you?

I had my 2nd surgery in October and this time it as anterior and posterior discectomy, decompression and fusion. I still have difficulty with walking my balance and my strength is gone. I’m so weak and struggling at work
Hi I have just read your post, may I ask you if you feel happy that you had the operations, or could you have coped with the way you were?
They told me if I didn’t have surgery I would be in a wheelchair. I am not cured by any means and now 3 years later I’ve been asked to have revision posterior,( this time)ACDF 🤦🏻♀️
Hi nyjaded, how are you and what is revision posterior acdf , had acdf c4c5 ,2013 , I have just rang the neuro hospital because I have not heard anything they said it could be up to 15 weeks I asked about any cancellations it's getting worse.
That is a difficult recovery, that surgery. I can tell you that it took 2 years minimum for my surgery to “settle”. I don’t know how you are coping at work. I know I can not work anymore. Thank GD that the SSDI was approved, a miracle from heaven. I am sorry this condition sucks so much. Sending hugs🙏💙😇

Pattycakes, I can be found on FB Sheila Thomas Dugan. Sorry I realized I wasn't very specific.

Pattycakes have you looked up the Myelopathy Support Group on Facebook I do think it may provide more coping strategies.