Hello..I am suffering with rosacea & it's spreading has anyone got any advice..thank you
Rosacea: Hello..I am suffering with rosacea & it's... - MY SKIN

Hi trace62,
I don't have Rosacea, but I do have a rare inflammatory condition that causes skin lesions - particularly on the face.
I'm posting some Rosacea links that might help:
I don't know what medications you've been prescribed, but it does sound as if your medication/treatment plan needs to be reviewed by your doctor/dermatologist.
Take care,
Shell x
Go to your doctor. My sister has it and there are prescription treatments available. She also uses mineral foundation (loose powder). She uses bare eccentuals which you can buy in the big stores. Its quite expensive but her skin looks great. Do you know your triggers? It can be exacerbated by alcohol and a whole range of things. Once you know the triggers you can avoid them. She does and it seems to be working.
Good luck
Bev x

Hi..still trying ti work out all the triggers but everything that i like doing seems to make it flare up like exercise the odd drink..certain foods..i'm allergic to dairy & eggs so im on a restricted diet as it is so dont know how much more i can cut out..Thanks for the make up tip as i'm looking for some cover up etc the make up i have seems to be aggravating the rosace
thank you
Tracey x
I was diagnosed with rosacea last year and was given a course of antibiotics that brought it back under control. I still haven't identified my triggers but I read somewhere that salicylic acid can help (it's found in most spot creams) and St Ives do an apricot facial scrub that contains it which helps manage it. I also use Rescue Oil lotion (which you can pick up in the £ shop!) and a splodge of Sudocreme (sorts everything...) slathered across my cheeks overnight. Never fails to calm it down! Maisy x
PS. Ditto the Bare Escentuals too - marvelous stuff!
Hi, are you still suffering with Rosacea? I've found that Forever aloe gelly and propolis creme works combined with drinking their aloe berry nectar or bits and peaches inner leaf gel. I'd be happy to consult with you if you would like further information, Rachael. rachaelguest@googlemail.com
Hi, are you still suffering with Rosacea? I've found that Forever aloe gelly and propolis creme works combined with drinking their aloe berry nectar or bits and peaches inner leaf gel. I'd be happy to consult with you if you would like further information, Rachael. rachaelguest@googlemail.com
LHi, are you still suffering with Rosacea? I've found that Forever aloe gelly and propolis creme works combined with drinking their aloe berry nectar or bits and peaches inner leaf gel. I'd be happy to consult with you if you would like further information, Rachael. rachaelguest@googlemail.com
Hi, are you still suffering with Rosacea? I've found that Forever aloe gelly and propolis creme works combined with drinking their aloe berry nectar or bits and peaches inner leaf gel. I'd be happy to consult with you if you would like further information, Rachael. rachaelguest@googlemail.com
I've found laser light therapy really helps. There is a great lady near me. I had to have 6 weekly sessions for 6 weeks and then go once a month now for top up.