I have been dealing with a skin condition for almost 3 years. I have seen other posts like mine. One person was even trying to get on a talk show. I too have been dismissed by health providers. I have had one person mention Reactive perforating collagenosis (RPC) Reactive perforating collagenosis (RPC) . We need answers not dismissed.
unknown : I have been dealing with a skin condition... - MY SKIN

I feel your frustration and pain, it's ludicrous that this isn't being investigated properly.
perhaps it was me who mentioned collagenosis. I seem to have been 'cured' i.e. no more itching (touch wood) - no diagnosis or finding cause,(tho they said it was caused by my scratching the deep all over itch of eczema, but no idea what caused the all over eczema!) but now on methotrexate and it is being treated as if it is auto immune. It's like my skin completely broke down.
Yes we do. I think we're all we've got. Keep sharing anything you discover.
I have had some kind of skin issue for 2 years. Black spots that suddenly appear. Things that look like cysts or pimples that have a waxy substance in them. I know it sounds a little off but I'm not the only one with these symptoms.
Hey Mystery20, I have been posting to anyone who will lend me their ear. I have been pulling those plugs for 14 years. The only solution I found was in the detergent I was washing my clothes with. It was so mundane, I would have never noticed,if the problem didn't last for over 10 years. What type of detergent do you use? I'm not going to turn this into a sales pitch for some snake oil miracle cleaner that I have. I want to get concensus on something we could all have in common. We all want to know what these things are, when we start to pull this shit out our skin. But there is another route of inquiry that can possibly lead use to resolution and that is the why how. Why and how did this begin to occur with no change in our habits? It was the change in the formula of one of our most trusted supplies, clean clothes. Some of the labels tell us that it is more concentrated or that you can do more loads with the same size bottle. These are just a few examples or evidences that led me to change my detergent. Blue dye was the killer for me. Any detergent such as tide, era, gain all had and adverse effect on my condition. So please, chime in what type of detergent you are using.
Gain is one of the culprits. Get the cheap shit from the dollar store with no dye like sun or try the earth breeze washer sheets. Re-wash everything, towels, sheets, clothes. Depending on how long you have been effected will determine your recovery time.This stuff gets in our system, gets absorbed into our blood. Have you noticed that they only appear where hair grows? Never in the palms or bottom of feet? Do you get them were your clothes rub against you or were you scrub your face with a towel? Get better Steak_1, my best wishes are with you.
Does arm and hammer have blue dye?
I'm not sure. I have looked and am unsure what I'm looking for.
If there is a green or blue tint to the detergent liquid.
I would also suggest soaking your laundry in a vinegar and water mix to remove any left over detergent in your clothes, towels and linen. Bathtub or stop the washer after it fills with water leave top open and add vinegar and soak for 30 min. Close top and continue cycle.
Earth breeze washer sheets or the cheap shit at the dollar store with no dye like sun. The less dye and fragrance the better. I've been fighting for close to 15 years. It started in 09' and I didn't figure out it was the detergent until about 2 years ago. I had some much in my system that it taken that long to get down to one healing spot on my nose. At one point, 6 on each arm, chest, shoulders, ass. every where hair grows on my body. Like I was telling Steak_1, never palms of hands or bottom of feet.