Anyone know what this is caused from? My family have got this pink mark all on the same line on our hands in this exact spot. It is itchy and feels deep on our hand. We have all been suffering from being rundown and headaches
Unknown pink mark on hand: Anyone know what this is... - MY SKIN
Unknown pink mark on hand

all opinions welcome. even if you think it looks like nothing. I'm at a loss as to what is causing it
Do you have those marks anywhere else on your body? Are you itchy all over, or just in that spot? Have you noticed any changes in the appearance of your skin in other areas of your body?
lots of problems. pink itchy marks appearing on my body and then disappearing. my groin area is worst effected and skin can just start to feel like its burning and pink marks on it but when I wake in the morning usually everything looks normal . It comes and goes in a matter of minutes. I have had pink marks appear on my skin and will spread sometimes if scratched. Some tiny blood marks on skin also that I never had. Skin feels hot to touch and if I leave on my legs in the toilet for example it will get very hot and leave blotchy marks that never happened to me before. Get lots of bad migraine headaches lately also and get run down very easy. Ringing in my ears and heart beat increase which I seem to only notice at night time..Eating too many eggs seem to increase the amount of rashes that appear also. I've had these problems with 6 months now
I wonder if you could have scabies. I’ve had scabies a few times. The pink mark on your hand looks just like what happens after a mite borrows into my hands. If your whole family has been experiencing this, you could all be dealing with scabies mites. Get some sulfur cream to put on your skin. If your skin reacts like it’s purging after applying it, you probably do have scabies.
it's very possible. would scabies marks always show up as pink. I have pink streaks on my arm from time to time and they look like track marks (straight lines). also bumps inside my mouth that hurt for a day and then die down
which I am possibly getting from biting my nails and having the mites inside my mouth
If you have pink streaks it’s likely scabies. The doctor will probably prescribe permethrin cream, but sulphuric ointment you can get over the counter actually works better. You’re going to have to research how to get rid of them as it is pretty involved. Similar to the process of getting rid of bed bugs.