Hi there i’ve had tiny red dots over my skin, Mostly upper body Everywhere.. don’t know what they are have had them forever
i’m just wondering what they are
when you press on them the come back to the bright red colour
Hi there i’ve had tiny red dots over my skin, Mostly upper body Everywhere.. don’t know what they are have had them forever
i’m just wondering what they are
when you press on them the come back to the bright red colour
Do they fade when you press them with a glass? Or do they remain unchanged?
they fade away, when i touch them
Go to a dermatologist and get them checked out. Because they've been there so long it's extremely unlikely they're anything major. It looks as though they're more likely to be a reaction to something. But that would also mean they charged in some way and you don't seem to be describing that. Things like that can have also been the result of a medication you were at some point taking or a reaction to hormone fluctuation of some description.
Ah, they fade away then come back to how they were, i did have a allergic reaction to cyclozine but they’ve been there for longer then that x
I'd go to a dermatologist. But I'd also look carefully at diet and products applied externally to make sure it's not something you can just avoid. Make sure there's no mold or water damage in your home or workplace, that can cause many adverse health effects and skin complaints are common, especially micro haemorrhages.
Hi SunflowerWarrior - I have the same thing! Did you get an answer?
I have not as of yet the doctors arent fussed with anything i say tbh! x
sorry to hear that. do you have any other health issues or diagnosis concurrently?
I am being investigated for POTS, HEDS, and FIBRO x
They could be liver spots, nothing to do with the function of your liver, just a term that's used, and the sun can maybe produce more, if they are them nothing to worry about though, I have loads on my upper body, and unfortunately they get slightly bigger as you get older as your skin doesn't have the same elasticity,but you can always check with your doctor, thanks.
what's HEDS excuse my ignorance...also i have major food allergies. i'm gluten free and dairy free.
Thats okay, Ehlers danlos syndrome- Hypermobile x
Joint pains, Flexibility, Dislocations, Vitamin D difficicany, chronic pain, chronic fatigue x
sounds VERYYYYYYY similar to me! I found vitamin D and going gluten-free and dairy-free completely removed my chronic fatigue. I am NOT saying it's a cure, i'm not that stupid. But if it could at all possibly help anyone else in any way, worth a shot, right?
i get a righ shoulder issue. it's like it dislocates now and then and i get crazy pain. but then i have months with no pain at all. everything improved a lot after diet changes. i would also say good bacteria has helped me - acidophilus.
I know this has been a while since it was posted but have you learned of a way to prevent this from getting worse? or anyway to get rid of them? I have hundreds all over my body and they are getting worse.
Mine haven't gone away and just keep multiplying. I have thousands. Are you on any meds?
I have the same, thousands on my arm and feet. Have you taken the vaccine? Im afraid that will make them worse
I have had these for years... maybe around 12ish years. Ive been on asthma inhalers my whole life and have recently stopped Zoloft (on that for 4 years). These red dots went insane when I was pregnant with my second child and haven’t stopped. I just had a biopsy done and they confirmed they are cherry angiomas but no reason as to why I have SO MANY at my age. I’m only 30.
What did you said your doc.? I have litle spots like yours?
Hello. Can we please get an update? Hope you went to the docs and they said something.
Hello! I know I’m a bit late to this, but I have noticed the exact same dots on my arms a few weeks ago. I called my doctor, but they don’t seem to be taking this seriously and even linked it to covid. Getting blood tests done at the moment, but I am freaking out a bit as they seem to be multiplying really quickly. They used to be on one of my upper arms only but now they’re on both arms all the way down to my hands. Any ideas what the cause may be? Thank you!
obviously I’m not talking about the moles but the other tiny dots when you look closely
Did you find out what they are?
did you find out more? eds? mold?
I’m having same issue. They keep multiplying and I go to doctor Thursday so I’ll know more then but it’s crazy that other people are having the same exact issue.
Jellybean9595 any update from your dr?
I'm so interested in knowing if you got any further information!
I have had these since I was a teenager at least....and I have the same and similar diagnoses as you for other things
I've been getting these on my upper arms too. Small, barely noticeable pinprick dots. I wasn't overly concerned about them, but then I consulted Dr. Google, which is always a bad idea. 😅 After reading a few threads, they seem to be really common and I'm not so worried anymore. But I would still like to know exactly what they are!
They aren't cherry angiomas? Not sure on spelling.
Just wanted to hop on here bc I have the same issue. Started on my arms a few yrs back and has slowly spread down my entire arms, torso and now a few spots have popped up on my thighs. They seem to "flare" up I've noticed. At times there will be like an explosion. What I've noticed is the old ones will typically move to the surface and get exfoliated away but there's always more, newer ones popping up. I've tried finding answers, seems they're very common but I want to know WHAT it is that's causing them. It's not age (which I initially thought) as I've come across many younger people experiencing the same. I'm assuming something environmental or in our food supply (cough, glyphosate) maybe bc my husband now has them as well. Something is causing our capillaries to weaken and burst, SOMETHING is the cause, it's not just "normal," and until we know for sure we can't just assume it's inconsequential or benign.. especially not in our world of skyrocketing chronic illness and constant exposure to new and existing toxins and biological disruption. I'm new to this site, I'm assuming I'll get an alert or something if anyone else posts..I hope.