Someone please help I just don’t know what to do anymore. They said I had roascea and I put Metrogel on the other day and it looks way worse. I need help or some answers please someone help me out
Skin problem: Someone please help I just don’t know... - MY SKIN
Skin problem

Oh dear I would take this photo back to your GP as soon as you can get an appointment. Perhaps a change of medication would work for you.
I started a similar rash last Christmas. I have always had rosacea, flushing and inflammation, but no spots. The hospital dermatology dept. diagnosed sebhorreic dermatitis (although they were unsure) and prescribed various anti-fungal creams and washing lotion which made it worse.
The only thing I found helped is washing or spraying the skin morning and night with undiluted apple cider vinegar ( I use organic with the "mother"), leaving it to dry on the skin.
I got this tip off fellow sufferers on the internet and it greatly reduced the redness.
Worth a try............good luck.
I have a similar rash, I've had it for a very long time. Metrojel did not help me either I tried everything (with the exception of injections *yikes!*) The medical community had to offer me even creams that were not yet approved in Canada yet. I was also told it was rosacea but just don't feel like it fits.
I have tried all kinds of things one thing that did help a bit was Himalayan sea salt mixed with really warm water applied on a facecloth.
I need to try the suggestion above about the apple cider vinegar. I haven't tried that one.
I would recommend also looking at your diet because it could also be something in your food that you are not tolerating.
hello - its rosacea it looks like type 2 - did they say whether its type 1 or type 2 ? type 1 is usually dry dehydrated tight feeling...type 2 is background oily and is usually over the cheeks and nose...look at andthe finca skin organics type 2 can ask for a sample of it as of luck to you
metrogel is very harsh for me too. please look up the BIODERMA RANGE of products for help i use the repair cream and the sensibo range for soothing I also use the AR BB CREAM to camoflauge but im female it covers most redness so very well even my doctor was impressed you can look at the other B oderma cleansing miccelar water for washing your face so gentle . It certaintly helped me lot. see your Dr for something less harsh if you don't have lumps and bumps if you do use the metrogel VERY SPARINGLY on them only . the bioderma was recommended by a dermatologist and lasts a very long time worth a try .''good luck ' and best wishes from one sufferer to another . i also use AVENE mineral water... a can lasts for ages... to cool down my skin in hot weather and when I just feel I need it.
If you haven't already, definitely go back to your dermatologist to try something else. Rosacea is tricky, and it never really goes away but can be controlled as soon as you find the right program.
Hope some of these tips have helped. If not then take a look at your diet. Diet can have a really important role to play in these conditions. So each week cut out one particular food type out (for example wheat, dairy or foods with added sugars). Note down the results.
Once you've sorted out your diet you can consider a type of intermittent fasting. This means going without food (or calories) for 14-17 hours, but it's vital that when you do eat, you eat healthily. And also start doing this gradually rather than jumping straight into a lengthy fast.
I usually finish eating at 8pm and then eat again at 10am the next day (a healthy breakfast). Basically the bodies starts getting rid of dead cells and repairing damaged ones during this period because it doesn't have to digest food.
I have minor minor rosacea and this seems to have helped (along with an almond oil and tea-tree oil solution).
Let the community know how you get on because it could help someone else suffering with the same condition.