Chronic urticaria anyone?: Hi guys, so I have been... - MY SKIN


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Chronic urticaria anyone?

bandicoot1987 profile image
17 Replies

Hi guys, so I have been told by my doctor I may have chronic urticaria, first doctor told me I had rosecea. Turns out it's not!!

Anybody suffer with this so I could chat a bit more about it ☺

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bandicoot1987 profile image
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17 Replies
PeekabooFace profile image

Hey I have suffered from this and eventually it was diagnosed as chronic idiopathic urticaria. Horrible horrible thing to have. Haven't had an attack of this for some time now but I've suffered for years on and off.

Here to chat :)

bandicoot1987 profile image
bandicoot1987 in reply to PeekabooFace


So what is it exactly as I've been wrongly diagnosed twice! 😶

PeekabooFace profile image
PeekabooFace in reply to bandicoot1987

urticaria is a type of rash that is unbelievably itchy and looks like big wheels like hives on the skin. Like nettle rash. Sometimes the cause of if isn't know and can last from 6 weeks to possibly months or years. I had my episodes for years at a time until it faded and cleared up.

If you have urticaria you know about it, it isn't something you can ignore. It can be painful and areas of the face and mouth can swell.

I was confused that your doctor had said you had rosecea as urticaria is usually obvious from the symptoms.

So do you have the rash and is it really itchy?

bandicoot1987 profile image
bandicoot1987 in reply to PeekabooFace

See now I don't think it's symptoms are

Rash can begin on my chest more often or not, then all of a sudden it's on my back, then it will appear on one leg. After each area flares up the previous area will fade.

If I take an antihistamine it dissappear after half hour, it itches so much sometimes I make my self bleed.

To begin with I thought it was food related but I can get it late at night and first thing.

I do have other problems atm Ashwell including weight gain, bloating, gas, hair loss, fatigue, weak nails, constant icky throat so I've had bloods taken today testing for thyroid, coeliac and vitamin deficiency etc so I wonder if it's related at all to any of that?!

I'm thinking it's not rosecea or urticaria I'm thinking truth be known they really just don't know. 😒 x

Bozeatite profile image
Bozeatite in reply to bandicoot1987

I've had Urticaria for several years and the rash behaves exactly as you have described. It can move daily, after 2 or 3 days or even stay put for a couple of weeks. I take antihistamine once every day and use cream as well when it gets really bad.

Helpwantedhere profile image
Helpwantedhere in reply to Bozeatite

What type of antihistamine do you take? I'm suffering so much and the steroid cream my doctor prescribed is not helping much.

PeekabooFace profile image

It's frustrating isn't it when no one can tell you what it is. Have you been referred to a dermatologist?

Urticaria rash looks like mishaped raised bumps, they can get so big they all blend into one.

If you haven't already I suggest asking the doctor to refer you to a specialist.

bandicoot1987 profile image
bandicoot1987 in reply to PeekabooFace

Yeah I might have to as I dint want to live on antihistamines for the rest of my life.

Thankfully so much for all your help 👍 xx

Capo profile image

Ask doctor about drug XOLAIR. Given as an injection for idiopathic (chronic)urticaria. Good results reported in clearing up your condition,good luck.

Kasey99 profile image

Hey I suffer from the same they didn't know what it was for years that I stopped going to the doctors. It starts on my chest and then moves to my thighs, it eventually disappears but almost looks like a bruise for a week or so. Doctor told me I was allergic to my bra (....unhelpful).

Anyway I haven't been back to the doctors for years but I read online about creams with natural tea tree in and it's really helped! I usually get a flare up when I'm stressed or nervous about something! Everyone calls it my worry rash...! Sad but true!

Hope this helps xxx

bandicoot1987 profile image
bandicoot1987 in reply to Kasey99

That's really strange as I suffer with anxiety

Funnily enough about 3 years ago I broke out in a rash over my back at the doctors and she even said to me then, don't panic that's just another way your anxiety comes out... Makes sense now 🌼

Smokeyfruitbat1 profile image

I have suffered with chronic urticaria from birth. I’m 64 now. I’ve seen many specialist with out getting to know what I have. It was only by chance I saw a leaflet in the doctors about it showing photos of what I have. He’s tried me on different antihistamines but with out result.

I’m going back next week

Smokeyfruitbat1 profile image
Smokeyfruitbat1 in reply to Smokeyfruitbat1

Forgot to add I suffer with heat / pressure urticaria. I wake every morning with it somewhere on my body. Today it’s on the soles of my feet and I can’t stand up because the pain is so intense. If I sleep on my back my heals get urticaria, if I sleep on my side I get it on the sides of my feet. If I sleep with my legs pressed together I get on my knees, same with my arms. If the bottom sheet gets ruffled up it looks like I been whipped the next day. Like I said I’ve had it from birth (64 years) and it’s not many day that I can’t get on with my life, but today I can’t stand on my feet. I haven’t had a bath in 40 years as I only have to have the temperature slightly warmer and my body gets covered and I go in to shock, very scary. So now I only have showers. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

The redness is raised in my skin and is extremely painful to touch. The redness lasts up to 6 hours and itches like crazy the day after, thank god for eurax cream which deals with the itchiness.

Has anyone found something that works?

For 62 years I used calamine lotion, which didn’t do anything really, then I saw the leaflet in my daughters doctors and I immediately knew that’s what I had. If I’m in the sun bare chested it’s not so bad but if I have a dark shirt on the material gets warm and burns my skin. I can’t sit on anything that has been out in the sun because my backside will get burnt. It’s heat and pressure that causes it. Please help

Skinforme profile image

30mg of Prednisolone once a day in the morning for 5 days

Smokeyfruitbat1 profile image
Smokeyfruitbat1 in reply to Skinforme

I went to my docs two weeks ago and said exactly as you have. The difference was mind blowing. After all these years of suffering and seeing docs and specialists.

I’m at the end of the first week without them and yesterday my feet were covered in urticaria. I took 30mg of prednisolone and the soreness died down within 20 mins. I’m to stop taking them and the 4 weeks later take them for another 5 days.

Ariesgirl217 profile image

I had this a few years ago and it’s miserable. I would even get it on my lip and my lip would swell like I’d been punched, the itchiness was unbearable. Back & forth to the dr several times. Allergy meds only worked for a couple hours at a time. Prednisone was the only thing that helped but you can’t stay on it long. I went through three rounds of prednisone before it went away. No cause, no cure you just have to treat the itching & wait it out.

miniione1224 profile image

Yes, I deal with it too. Mine starts on my neck then arms and if I continue the situation that starts them, then I get hives on my back and stomach. I try to avoid all I can that causes a breakout. Mine is either heat, extreme cold, stress.. I have to be careful not to wear clothes that make me get to warm because then I break out. So I never get to fully be warm in the winter. I do some at home because I can get the hives under control, but I don't wear stuff that makes me too warm away from home, cause then I'm away from what calms down the hives. Not only is it miserable, but embarrassing. I'm going to look into a specialist if I can find one in my area as soon as I get better from surgery. I pray I can find one. I'll keep you in my prayers as well.

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