Could anyone take a look at this photo and see what they think, I this bump in my head won't seem to heal and after getting fed up of it I went to my GP today. Can anyone offer any advice to what it might be as I am worrying a lot. Thanks
Could anyone take a look at this photo and see what they think, I this bump in my head won't seem to heal and after getting fed up of it I went to my GP today. Can anyone offer any advice to what it might be as I am worrying a lot. Thanks
Sorry that you are worrying. Wait till you see dermatologist to get a better idea. Good luck
Please don't worry until you have seen the dermatologist! Good luck x
Hiya, my son has similar bumps and we've just got back from GP who is treating it as impetigo. Although I'm not totally convinced. Are you any closer to knowing what it is?
I had a similar problem with my head two years ago, very similar to the photograph you showed. I too was very concerned. I was referred to the Leeds General Infirmary for further investigation at the cancer clinic. at another appointment I was operated on and the growth, if that is what it was, was removed, allowed home the same day and the district nurses came twice each day for four weeks to clean and dress the wound. I now have to visit the clinic every two months for examination the next one being in a months time, hopefully it will be the last but who knows. If you are concerned about it DON'T mess around get more advise. I hope you will get the same quality of help and treatment that i received from the consultant and medical staff at the L.G.I. best of luck
I think I had a similar thing by the look of it. Can't swear on it. But I used Tee Tree Oil on it and it started to heal up. Gone now. Tee Tree has sterilising properties and is also good for fungal type things.