My daughter has dermatitis on her hands and has been perscribed Eumovate Cream but when she puts it on, it makes her hands more itchy and painful. Has anyone got any ideas what else she should try? Thanks
dermatitis: My daughter has dermatitis on her hands... - MY SKIN

Hello, I know exactly what your daughter is growing through. Does she use an emollient in the water? If so, put a tiny bit in the water and bathe her hands in it. If not she could try bathing her hands in luke warm water with a little salt in it ( sea salt if possible). Then lightly wrap her hands in a towel (warm if she can) and then gently rub a little bit of moisturiser like E45, Aveeno or whatever she has been prescribed. Leave this this to sink in for a couple of minutes and then add the Eumovate gently. My hands seemed to itch more when my skin is at its worst. I think it's because the skin was more open. Trust me, it does get better, it just takes time. When her skin is better keep it moisturised as much as possible to try and keep the eczema at bay. The breakouts will become less. Good luck
My suggestion is like Chandora's except I leave the moisturiser on for nearer to 20mins before applying Eumovate. I am prescribed Doublebase gel as an emollient and use this first thing in the morning, then have breakfast, then apply Eumovate after cleaning teeth. This gives time for the moisturiser to 'soak in' and soften the skin so that the Eumovate can be spread more easily and also thinner.
Hope this helps a bit x
Hi Heli13, some of my customers with skin conditions that are itchy and dry have had some real relief from Orba's Goats Milk Skin Soother. It's really gentle and a great natural alternative to medicated creams. Link below xxx
Hi there
Right, dermatitis requires moisture. So, have you looked at getting some sweet almond oil or if she is allergic to nuts, then try olive oil and apply it lightly to the skin.
The moisture needs to sink into the skin and not on top.
I suffered from a skin condition which the dermatologists could not work out whether it was psoriasis, dermatitis, rosacea or eczema! I then spent the past four years investigating what I could use to help me heal my skin. Glad to say, it is cured now. Yes, it is.
Forgot to mention - get some muslin cloth or a piece of cotton - about 20 cm square, 3 tablespoons of porridge oats (yes), tie up the cloth with an elastic band and then swish it in the bath water. The oat protein will leach out into the water and is wonderfully soothing for the skin. Doesn't cost much either.
Most of the stuff I got from GP did that to me too, witch hazel takes the itch out of it for me and olive oil to moisturise.... but sadly everyone is different so you tend to have to keep trying until you find what works for you.