Hi There
I have just come back from holiday a couple of weeks ago after being made redundant & the stress of worrying about the future & the heat has resulted in the most chronic breakout of Pompholyx I have ever had, in the 14 years of suffering from this condition. My feet are both completely covered from the sides, underneath, in between my toes & even under my toes. I got the finally got the doctor to give me some strong steroids & antibiotics, as it has affected my immune system & also have swollen glands. The blisters have joined together & are weeping profusely & some are oozing yellow pus - sorry if you are eating! I just don't know what to do, as it does not seem to be showing any signs of improvement. Does anyone know of anything else I can do to ease the pain & help to moisturize the drying skin, without making the blisters worse? I am finding it impossible to walk anywhere as so painful. Any help would be deeply appreciated.