I am a student on the masters in Rehabilitation Psychology degree carrying out my final year project. I am interested in looking at the effects that having chronic visible skin condition has on the self-identity and support seeking behaviour. Self-identity is defined, as a concept that develops overtime, deriving from life experiences, relationships with others and based on the personally set goals and aspirations.
Have you got a visible chronic skin condition, which has been diagnosed at least 6 months ago? Are you aged between 18 and 65? Have you got a close member of family or a partner who has known you at least 6 months prior to the onset of the symptoms of the skin disorder, who would be willing to take part in the project with you?
The project will involve you and your significant other being separately interviewed. The interview will last around 1 hour and you will be asked to talk about your experiences and what impact those experiences have had on you. Significant others will be asked to reflect on their perceived changes within the sufferer following the diagnosis.
Your participation is completely voluntary; the interviews can be carried out either face to face or over the Skype. To be eligible to take part in the study you need to have answered ‘yes’ to the questions above, be fluent in spoken English and not have any mental health issues.
If you are interested or would like further information, please contact me on lpxal1@nottingham.ac.uk or 07805641969 and I will send you an information sheet, which will contain further information about the project.