Has anyone experienced having vicious OCD for several weeks and then suddenly one day, nothing…? Like the sky has cleared and everything feels fine? It’s like the weirdest biggest mood swing ever, I feel like myself and I’m calm. There are still some small compulsions but nothing like how it was last week. It’s making me nervous and suspicious that something will tip me back into the awful angst and big compulsions again. How does this even happen?! I’m looking to start a course of ERP. This suddenly feels like the worst time to be trying proper treatment while I’m feeling calm
OCD on pause…?: Has anyone experienced... - My OCD Community
OCD on pause…?

It happened to me before. For instance, I remember once I was disturbed by an obsessional idea all day along. Then I went out with friends and had a really good time. I came back home, and the idea that used to bother me was leaving me alone, as if by magic. OCD is often cyclic.
Personally, I wouldn't change my plans because of a series of good days. Whether it's substance-use disorder, out-of-control gambling, or OCD, there is one thing you learn: never take recovery for granted. A combination of circonstances and complacency can easily lead you back to your old ways.
It's the same with your physical health. Some people have a heart attack and stop smoking, drinking and eating junk food. Then they feel better, and gradually return to their old ways. You can imagine the rest of the story.
Even after we recover from OCD, we'll find it difficult to tolerate some uncertainty when the stakes are high, and to make tough decisions, that is, decisions under uncertainty, without unnecessary delay. That's human nature. Facing those difficulties is a life-long journey.
This already happened to me, when I met my boyfriend the intrusive thoughts and anguish disappeared for two years, I think maybe because it was something new, a feeling of happiness. After two years it came back with full force and still with horrible thoughts of harming my boyfriend who I love so much.
Yes, I have experienced this. Normally I have a relapse that is horrible the first 3 months and then very, very slowly things start to get better. The entire relapse takes about a year from start to finish.
OCD tends to wax and wain over time. I know for me there have been entire years where I felt like I was "cured" only for the OCD to come charging back into my life. My advice to you would be to still take the ERP therapy. If you are just starting, it is better to begin on smaller issues and work your way up to big ones. Some therapists will have you make a "ladder" where you organize your triggers from easiest to deal with to hardest. You then work your way up the ladder gaining confidence as you go.
thanks for your thoughts everyone. The pause was a week and now the guilt and doubt is back… Hope you all get a rest from time to time too