I used to play chess as a lot then stopped for a few years and now was looking to get back into it as something to do on my spare time. There is a club in my town that I wanted to start going to at least a few times a month. When I'm not having OCD, chess can be a fun, challenging, and creative outlet as well as a chance to socialize with others. The problem for me is, though, that these days many people are competetive and get upset when they lose, and this takes some of the fun away from it for me. If I played decently I am fine with any result- this is in a way just a past time for me and a way to unwind from work.
One specifc way that OCD gets in the way is: in tournaments you play with a timer. Each player starts with the same amount of time, and their time only runs down when it's their move. Once they move, they press a button which stops their time from ticking down and starts the other player's time ticking down. E.g. if we each start with five minutes on our clock and I've thought for a total one minute on my first ten moves, I'll have four minutes left. Some players when they are low on time will be moving the pieces quickly and may knock some of them over. The rule is that they are not supposed to press the button that stops their time until they've picked up the pieces. If they don't pick them up it the opponent might make a mistake because they thought the piece was on one square when it was really on the other. My OCD comes into play with certain players because I keep thinking what if they knock pieces over and don't pick them up on their time. Will I call them out on it, which may seem too adversarial, or should I just let it go and enjoy the game. I get distracted by thinking of the awkwardness of what I'll do if they knock pieces over. My feeling is to pick battles wisely since nothing is at stake really in these tournaments (I'm not playing for the low prize money that's offered there), and that I shouldn't lower myself. On the other hand it bothers me when others aren't playing fairly.
How can I approach this mentally in a way that doesn't spoil the game for me?