What would your life look like OCD-free?
Food for thought: What would your life look... - My OCD Community
Food for thought
I find it very hard to imagine. Bit emotional to even think about.
I think of my OCD as a gift and a prison, if possible. My family is full of perfectionistic OCD people on my father's side. Mostly, they are motivated, very successful people if they can handle their OCD characteristics; if not, they become depressed. My father was a complex estate and corporation lawyer, which takes a person who can really focus on the details of a case by "doting the i's and crossing the t's." A person who doesn't get involved in the finer points of legal contracts has a more challenging time being a good estate lawyer, so his OCD towards checking the minutiae became his strength.
OCD is chronic and there isn’t a cure yet but you can have freedom from it. For me, that involves living my life according to my values and not OCD’s rules. It means having time to do what I consider important instead of wasting time attaching meaning to intrusive thoughts and doing safety behaviors (compulsions). I get to put my energy into what I value.