Dear fellow MPNers . Happy New Year.
I also fell foul of differing local criteria for transfusions: in Edinburgh, where I’d moved to partly for the good NHS service , it is indeed Hb below 80. Edinburgh also has a strange attitude to letting ine see ones own blood result -even when I was in the course of having a unit of blood transfused, the nurse/HCA wouldn’t let me see the latest set on the grounds that they were ‘confidential.’ !!! The haematologist I saw was excellent, as was the GP I saw (I recommend the University Health Centre in Bristo Sq) , but the was no NHS skin cancer care at all. None. So I had to pay for an (excellent) private dermatologist too excise a lump from my leg, and then pay for the genomics. Happy to share names of doctors if anyone wants them.
I’m recently widowed, and have to handle all my own care. Feel like giving up at times. But no options. I’m back in Surrey, and have been seen by Prof Harrison at Guys for shared care with local haematology team at East Surrey as . I’m ’out of area’ but that’s fine by me. She prescribed momelotinib for me -supposed to cause less anaemia, but needs regular blood tests to make sure its not messing up my liver function. GP can do these
My new GP practice in Dorking is rated ‘outstanding’ by CQC. Huh, is all I can say. Yes, they did the blood tests but getting hold of the results to feed back to Guys was a nightmare.
I did it, and then discovered that the EPIC based MR system Guys uses can’t show me the results in my record that have been received from outside sources -so I can’t check what’s been sent.
No idea what information if any will have been sent to East Surrey -have a haematology apt there on Monday 6th The person on the phone who offered me the appointment said no need to get new blood tests. But I’ll get there early enough that I can. Re blood tests at Guys -phlebotomy department opens at 8.30 if you want bloods to be usable on the day, strongly recommend earliest possible blood draw. Or ideally get them done a couple of days in advance. Having an appointment with a world leading haematologist like Prof Harrison and no up to date blood results from a blood draw at the hospital is crap. Prof Harrison has arranged for me to have next bloods done at Guys, a couple of days before the telephone F U..
Am telling it like it is.
So, I’m being seen at the Marsden in Sutton, for continuation of skin cancer follow up, East Surrey Hpspital by an unknown haematologist for MPN/ general haematology, with Prof Harrison in the background. Momelotinib is on a national list, she says, so East Surrey can prescribe. [If not, can get it from Guys. ].