Hi folks, it's that time of year again, time to get our jabs. Had my flu jab today after making the decision of not having my covid at the same time, I expect many of us are thinking the same. Just wondering how long people are waiting before they have jab number two, I don't fancy a nasty 'over reaction' of my immune system. Thanks for reading my post.
Covid/flu jabs: Hi folks, it's that time of year... - MPN Voice
Covid/flu jabs

same strategy for me. Waited 2 weeks per hematology before getting first tine shingles vaccine . Unlike previous years, the flu shot was painful, large inflamed area, nausea and headache. Shingles #1 two weeks after was fine though I’m told the second shingles in 2-6 months usually causes strong reaction. Still TBD.
My consultant haematologist / MPN specialist advised a 2 week gap between any injections .
Had the flu jab last Saturday and have had nausea and been off my food all week . Not sure if the 2 are connected .
Pleased I’ve had the jab though
I had both at the same time. One in each arm.
I had both last week. I have been ok , just a sore arm.
I had the Covid vaccine with no reaction. I am waiting two weeks for the flu vaccine,
I am waiting a minimum of two weeks between vaccines based on prior negative experience.
I’ve had my first shingles jab and then had my flu and Covid together. Not a problem besides slight headache and sore arm.
had both Covid and flu together no problems last week
I had the Covid jab about 2 months ago, had the flu jab yesterday no problems. I’ll have another Covid jab after Xmas
I had mine together last Saturday, same arm then went off to make jewellery. Slight headache on Sunday and a painful spot around the injection site for a few days due to the large flu needle I think. Less issues than two together last year.
Wishing you well
I've followed the advice of epguy following his horrendous experience and left 3 weeks between each. Anyway I don't want 2 sore arms at the same time
I had my Covid jab last Tuesday. Going to wait a few weeks fo my flu jab. I was fine after Covid jab, bit of a sore arm
I’m reading all the responses, having just had both flu and Covid vaccines. I had marked reactions,(headache, nausea, joint and overall pain, general malaise), to each taken separately last time. Time will tell if my strategy of ‘feel unwell once’ pays off!
I understand your caution but as in previous years I had mine at the same time again last week and apart from a bit of localised soreness at the injection sites and tiredness for a couple of days I had no significant side effects.
My preference is to get it over and done with in one go but I guess a week or two between jabs would be fine if you prefer that approach.
I had both mine done the other day, but I’m particularly insensitive to jabs. Tiny bit of ache but nothing else. Good luck with yours.
I had my flu jab yesterday and I am going to wait at least a month till I have covid jab. I had to stop peg and after what EP guy said there is no way I am taking any chances
I had my Covid (Moderna Spikevax) and flu jab in different arms on same day. I swore I wouldn't do it again but like an idiot I did. I'm only on venesections at the moment so perhaps that explains my carelessness.
Flu jab arm was a little sore for a few hours but the covid arm still feels 48hrs later like it was hit with cricket bat. My temp rose to 39C for several hours and my HR was over 100 for a similar time. I now feel utterly knackered and have a big hemo appointment this week to decide whether to go into HU.
Hi Janis, I agree with you. My Covid jab is drooled for 30 th Oct. At GP’s after which I’m going to make Flu jab appointment with them 2 weeks after or thereabouts. Too many people seem to have bad side effects when having both together.
I have always had both together. One in each arm. So far only had a bit of a headache and achy arm.
both together but at different arms, slight sore arms overnight but still managed a bike ride the next day
Had my flu shot over a week ago and next week I begin a higher dose of Besremi(100 mcg) so will wait an additional week or so to get Covid shot. Never have had any reactions from Covid shots but I also was not on Besremi. Began the interferon in July 2023.
I spaced the Covid and flu vaccines 2 weeks apart this year. No reaction to either except sore arm for a day.
I was told to ring up appointments and ask them for another appointment.Not been yet but will have both. As had covid twice,and my taste and smell not returned.
I frequently have a brief flu like experiences after covid and flu vaccines. Had it again this year with the Pfizer vaccine, so I'll wait a month for the flu vaccine, as I have some pain that needs to be addressed with physical therapy anyway. I understand the urge to get it all over with, but for me spanning out small doses of misery is smarter.
Thanks everyone for your response, a mixed bag of what folk are doing so I think I will wait three weeks before my 2nd jab and after EPguys experience I am very cautious. Three of my friends who had both jabs together and do not have any medical issues ended up in bed for a day or two...yikes!
After having heart problem after my last covid I've decided to have none of them anymore, I don't go out anywhere and no small children bringing germs in I've had no injections now since the 2nd covid one and never had flu pneumonia or the latest one they've brought out
Sorry to learn you had such a reaction to your covid I really do not blame you for making the decision not to have any more. I am out and about a lot and mixing with all age groups so I will continue to have the jabs unless I have undesirable side effects.... fingers crossed.
There is a site in the US:
They just announced a UK version but it seems not functional yet.
This shows Covid levels in wastewater. This is the most up to date way to know circulating virus levels, and is more predictive than test results. Reported test results are no longer regular enough to rely on.
I adjust my caution/mask wearing based on the current reading. This is a 12 month plot right now for Los Angeles. So I am ok to go most places mask-less right now.
This company is the only one I can find with easily usable data like this. I would like to get the vax but my risk is too high. With a future nasal version I might go for it.