Any issues with spring Covid booster jabs? - MPN Voice

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Any issues with spring Covid booster jabs?

PT99 profile image
22 Replies

Hi folks

I’ve reluctantly booked a booster jab for tomorrow after having issues with the last two Moderna jabs, which both rendered me bed bound for a couple of days each time (No issues with the previous Pfizer or Astra zenica ones).

I appreciate we’re all individuals and react differently but just wondered how people have faired this time around? With numbers dropping now, just wondering if it’s actually worth it.



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PT99 profile image
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22 Replies
Cat1001954 profile image

Iv got constant texts saying go for booster but I’m not having it got enough going on without more things to cope with x

hall2 profile image

I had it last Saturday. No particular issues but I did feel weird on Sunday and had a bit of diarrhoea but I was fine by yesterday. I can only put it down to the booster as I didn’t have a bug or anything. I was given the Pfizer one. I still think it’s worth going.

moo196 profile image

I am no longer employed at vaccination centres but I would say that your experience with modern was pretty typical - even those who are normally healthy- but by no means everyone.I would take anything on offer-possible 2 days in bed with after effects better than covid.

Perhaps pop along to the appointment and discuss your concerns with them?

Ebot profile image

Had mine a couple of weeks back and was absolutely fine. A bit of a sore arm but that was it. With lots of overseas visitors and two weddings coming up, I’m definitely not chancing it!

FG251 profile image

Just a sore arm for three days, as per usual!

Ratton profile image

Yes its worth it -Had 6th booster am 78 and will have others when available.

Being a sensible person helps. No side effects felt fine.

AndyT profile image

I had Pfizer for my 7th jab a few weeks ago. No major reaction but I’ve been more than usually tired since. No idea if it’s related to the jab, a cold or my ET and old age finally catching up with me!

I’ve had no reaction to my previous 6 jabs (5 Pfizer & 1 Moderna) and when I finally got Covid in February it was mild, hopefully due in part to good immunity from boosters.

I’ll probably take my 8th if/when it’s offered in the autumn but if fatigue gets worse after that I may call it a day even if future boosters are offered!

Hi Pete, I had my 6th jab on 7th May. I did feel pretty rough to be honest. Sore, heavy arm, swollen glands, sore skin, a bit of a temperature and generally felt yuk! I will continue to have any boosters offered as, I don’t fancy the alternative! I have a few health issues and a very elderly Mum(93) so won’t be taking any chances!! Good luck with yours. 😃

linphy profile image

I'm the same as you Pete had Pfizer and Astra Zenica and my last one was Moderna, I was bad for 48 hours. I have booked for my spring/summer one but dreading in case it is Moderna Good luck


Anouchka profile image

I’ve had issues with Pfizer but couldn’t find anywhere that gave me Moderna for my 5th jab unless I travelled 100+ km. Not so sure I want a 6th jab… but science may win over reasoning! Lol!

Jones51 profile image

Ive decided not to have anymore!

DJK12 profile image

I've just had my 7th jab which was my 4th Moderna. I had an unpleasant reaction to the second Moderna, tiredness with the third and fourth plus a bit of a stomach upset this time. In the long run it is everyone's personal choice and it appears we are just going to have to live with covid being around. However having a compromised immune system, with other people's common colds giving me severe respiratory infections and at times pneumonia, I am just grateful to be given the vaccine. I know 3 people who have had covid in the last fortnight so it's certainly not going away in a hurry.

saltmarsh profile image

Hey Pete. I received the newest Moderna booster 2 weeks ago. No side effects other than a sore arm for a day. I've gotten every booster since this started with minimal side effects, the worst being feeling a bit under the weather for a day. To me, this is a small price to pay to avoid any of the covid/mpn complications. Good luck

Jynx93 profile image

Everyone I know that’s had Moderna have had an awful reaction to it. I wait to book mine until I’m sure it’s Pfizer they are giving. I’ve been fine with that but AstraZeneca put me in bed for days. As you said we are all different. Waiting to book my 7th, I shall be having mine.

ritaandscooter1 profile image

FYI my mom (87 yrs) just got her 2nd covid booster 6 days ago and is suffering right now with full blown covid! Just makes you wonder........

junebuggy profile image
junebuggy in reply to ritaandscooter1

Sorry to hear that. Hope she is ok. The vaccine usually takes 1-2 weeks to generate immunity, so this seems like very unlucky timing

Jynx93 profile image
Jynx93 in reply to ritaandscooter1

wish your mum a speedy recovery

MWxxxx profile image

Hi. I had my 7th pfizer jab about 3 weeks ago. All good, not even a sore arm. I've had different reations with each jab, despite every one of them being pfizer. I've never had covid so I'm quite scared about my protection running out especially as household contacts no longer qualify. Its now been over 6 months since my family had their last jabs and so their protection must be now running low. They haven't had covid yet either, but I fully expect them to get it over the next few months. I just hope my 7th vaccine will go some way in protecting me if they do get it.

Andrew8 profile image

I have MF, have not any reactions to Covid jabs before, but the last Pfiser one gave me muscle and joint paint, still going on now, so have to keep taking ,Neuromol which messes up my IN R. Have been on Jakavi ruxo since 2017 which seems to keep all my factors stable. Had Sepsis 15 months a.go, without major physical issues but did give me bad depression which I am gradually coping with. I am 74, and had a relative who had a BMT, but he didn't survive, so it's not a magic solution.

BeckyDing profile image


After 5 vaccines and catching Covid last summer I haven’t had any boosters since, however have caught Covid again and it was so transmissible the whole household has got it which has never happened before and my children are also vaccinated. I am not sure if I had the booster would have caught it or not but now debating whether I should get the antivirals again as when I had them last year they really upset my tummy and had strange side effects after and not been the same since. It definitely is on the rise again and seems more contagious - people are not testing anymore general. My daughter definitely got it from school and the isolation period is only 3 days for children now. However when she had it previously she was ill for about 10 minutes and this time she has had temps and nasty cough since Sunday so I think this variant is a nasty strain but hopefully not one that results in hospitalisation - I had a bad reaction to 5th booster which was Moderna but was fine with Pfizer so if you are sane or only had Pfizer maybe try and find a place providing that one? I know we have to just live with this now but it’s so hard!

Bellalaffy profile image

I haven’t had one and will not get one.

not sure why so many have received SO many boosters??

Jynx93 profile image
Jynx93 in reply to Bellalaffy

maybe it depends on your age and medical issues you have, just a thought

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