Just wondering if anyone has had treatment for actinic keratosis on the nose or face? I just started treatment for multiple AK's on the nose with FU/CAL cream (5FU-Calcipotriene compound) I have read that it activates lymphocytes and wondering if anyone using this compound has experienced any changes in blood counts and how it worked for you. Hematologist said ok to use. I am almost 75 with PV and taking HU. Day 1 of a 5-6 day course of treatment. Thank you in advance for any advice.
5FU/CAL, any experience? (5 fluorouracil/calc... - MPN Voice
5FU/CAL, any experience? (5 fluorouracil/calcipotriene)

I have spot treated my face many different times with it and never had a change to my CBC after using.
I prescribe the combo to all kinds of patients and I don’t know of any labs issues.
I am &3 with PV. I have used these and am not aware of any impact with my bloods.
Greetings Meatloaf9,
I was diagnosed with AK on my scalp and given the same treatment. I need to start another round because the sore is not healing. You must protect your skin; I try to wear a hat daily. My numbers did not change through treatment. I have ET Jak2+ and although on Hydroxyurea 12 tabs a week my numbers run on the higher end, about 600. I tried 2 tabs daily but had some skin reactions like blisters, so, the Dr is alright with that being my normal.
Best wishes,
Thanks for sharing, I am on day 2 of a 5 day course waiting to look like Rudolph. I always wear a hat and use sunscreen but in youth did absolutely nothing, peeling sunburns were like a badge of courage back in the 50's and 60's, so stupid was I back then.
Good luck with the HU, I take 9 per week and all blood counts are normal, so far.
Best to you