Hi, this is my first post. I have a bone marrow biopsy tomorrow and the nerves have just kicked in. I've heard that it's painful but is that the case for everyone or is it variable? How long does it take? I want to be brave!
Nervous about a Bone Marrow Biopsy tomorrow - MPN Voice
Nervous about a Bone Marrow Biopsy tomorrow

I had my first one last week, my pelvis was sore for a day or too, but not real pain just a dull ache. They gave me a local, and got a good sample, looked red quiet thin and about 2 inches long. I walked home and just carried with day. Took about 10 minutes.
It can be painful. They will give you a local anaesthetic and should offer gas and air, which I find very helpful. It's not pleasant but it's soon over. Good luck.
I took a Xanax (I have some for flying) to reduce my anxiety. It was not fun, but it is over very quickly. I had no residual pain.
Good idea! Thank you
I live in the US and my bone marrow biopsy was at a hospital. I was numbed and only felt pressure. I was awake through the whole thing because those "twilight" sedation drugs don't ever work on me - which I think worried the nurse, but I wasn't concerned at all. I was a little sore afterwards.
I have heard that some hemotologists do BMBs in office and those sound a bit more painful. But I had no pain with mine.
If I had the chose of getting another bone marrow biopsy or having dental work, I'd choose the BMB.
I had mine done in June. You'll be fine. I was a bit nervous and so rather than having gas and air if I needed it I started as they began - so immediately. There was a bit of pressure but the gas and air is amazing. They had difficulty getting a sample so had to go in 3 times but I didnt care 🤤😄
Ive had two this year with a local anaesthetic and some kind of sedative. Whilst uncomfortable it wasnt too painful. I had some pain the day after and stayed off work. I am very scared of anything medical so if I can do it you can.
Hi Scarlett, two this year! Was there a reason for two given? My wife had one five years ago, and when asked if she should have another at any time, a firm no was the reply.
Hi, I have my BMB on 24th October and feeling like you. I’m in the UK. I shall definitely be taking some painkillers before the procedure and have been told I can have entinox is required. I wish you all the best and please come back and tell us how it went good or bad experience for you 🤞🤞
Hi Lavazza0925 I am UK too. Well everyone it's all over now and thank you to everyone for your support! So much appreciated. They were so wonderful and spoke me through every stage. It took a lot longer than normal about 1.15 hours Vs 10-20 mind as I was a challenge apparently due to my good strong bones! No pain at all until the end but it just aches now. I feel very proud of myself and so thankful to the wonderful team doing the biopsy. I would take advice of others on here and take paracetamol beforehand. Most of it wasn't at all as bad as I anticipated. I hope that yours goes well and please let me know. 😌
Thanks for sharing. 1.15 😳, but good you have 💪 bones. I’m just hoping they don’t hit a nerve as I suffer from chronic nerve pain all located round that area 🥺 I’m sure I’ll be fine and pleased it wasn’t too bad for you. Take care.
Lucky you 'good strong bones', I would hang on to those, mine are a bit thin/osteoporosis but at least my BMB was quick....swings and roundabouts as they say. Glad it all went well. best wishes.
My husband said it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be.
He said it was more discomfort .
It hasn't put him off having another one which is good .

hi Fivecatsandcounting, I hope all goes well today for you. Best wishes, Maz
I too was apprehensive about having the bone marrow biopsy but for me it was less painful and uncomfortable than having a dental procedure. I am a redhead (was in my younger days) and they say redheads tolerate pain more easily. But honestly I did not even have significant side effects. So I’m hoping that it turns out this way for you too. Wishing you the best! PS. I’m 84 now and my diagnosis ( made last November) turned out to be Prefibrotic Myelofibrosis, with an MPL mutation. But that’s another story .
Good morning and best wishes on your BMB. I had my first one in June. To be honest, my anxiety made it way worse than it was. I jus didn’t know what to expect. I did mine at a hospital where they gave me a mix of Ativan and Vicodin. Before you take anything on your own to relax, I would check with your doc. They numbed my hip and explained the procedure while doing it. All I felt was pressure except when they took a piece of bone. They warned me ahead of time and I had a panic attack. But—the pain was just a one second twinge of sciatic nerve pain. It was really nothing. All of my anxiety was wrapped up in @what if there’s a fire” kind of thinking. Im much better prepared for my next one. It’s not bad at all.
the thought of the biopsy is actually worse than the procedure!!! Try not to worry and hopefully you will only feel bit uncomfortable like I did when I had mine - best wishes
I had mine done recently, there was very little discomfort, I think a lot depends on how good the person doing it is, also techniques have improved, it’s certainly better than a trip to the dentist, try not to worry
I have had to many. Your fear is not necessary. The doctors will make you comfortable and the process is usually less than an hour. The pre and post processes are longer than the actual procedure. The discomfort is very minor.
I had mine at age 73. Not painful..just a little uncomfortable. Had no issues after the test.Remember, women withstand child birth, compared to that, a bone marrow biopsy is nothing.
For me, it was a super nothing burger. Could have driven myself home except that my overprotective husband insisted on driving me. No pain during or after. Hope yours goes as well.
As others have said, it can be quite uncomfortable; but it’s tolerable and over quickly. My hip was sore for several days - kind of like a bad bruise, but not too bad. I hope it goes well for you.
Hello Cats I too was very concerned about having the bone marrow biopsy done. I hope you can be encouraged by the comments from this very caring community. Mine was done in the doctor’s office with just a local anesthesia. It was very quick, with just a few brief but sharp pains. I was a little sore for several hours afterwards. The following day I had no pain, no discomfort, and I was so glad to have gotten it done!
Hi - it takes around 10-15 mins depending on how many samples are taken.I agree with john0084 that it's a dull ache. No side effects afterwards-Lots of luck, I'm sure you will be fine!
Glad it's over for you (I came to your post too late reply, but probably just as well). I went in with no fear and experienced awful pain and they had to go in twice. People who say it doesn't hurt can only speak for themselves. I don't think there's rhyme or reason to it, but everyone experiences it differently, and also hospitals do the procedure differently with regard to pain control. I don't know whether it's to do with gender or age, point of entry, or any other attribute; somebody should do some research into it, but it wouldn't make any dfference to the amount of pain any one person is likely to feel. I am afraid I am going to have to have another BMB, and this time, it will bother me, but I will make sure to take paracetamol before I go in. So glad yours went well.
Our experiences sound so similar. My bones are very hard and it made it challenging apparently and had to go back in. Gave me extra anesthetic to help that and it was only at the end that the pain struck. Took a long time but they were excellent and very caring. It's very sore and my leg hurts but I know it's worth it and I will recover soon. I hope that you are ok with yours again next time x
Hi 5Cats, I don't know whether my bones are very hard. But I am 78 and it's very possible that I have a degree of osteoporosis. I wanted to be put under but they wouldn't do it. "That's not something we do in this hospital". It's possible that I forgot to take painkillers or that I was unaware that this is what I should do. I did appreciate being told what was happening all the way through, though as I am naturally very curious, and as a result I am more knowledgeable than the average person on medical matters. Not bragging - I'm glad to be continuing my education! Hope you don't suffer too much from now on and that your diagnosis is ok for you.
Congrats on getting through it...mine was also worse than I had anticipated - "hard bones" - just took a really long time (by an experienced MPN specialist) and a lot of "digging" around - hurt during procedure and hurt for about 5 days afterwards...still glad I did it and gearing up for another one in about a year... - good luck on the results!
I’ve had many, they’ve all taken about 30 mins. I have a lot of local anaesthetic because for some reason they normal amount doesn’t work for me! I wasn’t offered gas & air during my first one but since then have asked for it and I take as much as I can which really helps. It’s a very strange feeling, but there’s no real pain afterwards, just like a bad bruise for a few days. Hope it goes well tomorrow, enjoy the gas & air (like drinking in the day, naughty but nice)! Let us know how you get on, best wishes x
The fear of it is worse than the procedure you get a local anesthetic then what you feel most is pressure it was 10 minutes and a nice cup of tea and a few biscuits after and was on my way home after a half hour I had no pain after the anesthetic wore off and all healed very quickly.