Can you claim a blue badge if you have polycthemia vera thank you for any help
Blue badge: Can you claim a blue badge if you have... - MPN Voice
Blue badge

Probably not. Your mobility would have to be fairly limited but I suppose there's nothing to stop you applying.
Hi baggies - I have ET as well as lumbar disc problems causing sciatica. I developed neuropathy in feet and ankles just before my ET diagnosis and of course this makes walking difficult at times. I applied for a blue badge and a friend told me that you had to make a good case for getting one - whilst of course being honest. Do not leave anything out which causes you trouble or suffering no matter how slight. I note in your previous posts some years ago you mentioned "walking on stones". If you still suffer something like this then balance could be affected, making walking any distance troublesome. I am also on a blood thinner for my ET as well as hydroxycarbamide so a fall could be very serious. All these things need to be taken into account, plus eyesight problems, use of a walking stick, etc. I have macular degeneration and get injections in both eyes and although my sight is still reasonably good this is another thing to factor in. Also from memory I think you have to get the support of your doctor or specialist.
Good luck in your attempt.
Hi, I shouldn't think so as blue badges are for people who have considerable difficulty walking short distances. PV alone does often cause tiredness but doesn't usually directly restrict walking. Also, I think the accepted advice for us suffering with an MPN is to try to be as active as we can and walking is an easy exercise to build in to our everyday lives.
Depends on symptoms not disease. Nowadays you fill in an online form with yr county council. Don’t need GP or consultant support- just proof of diagnosis and description of how it’s affecting you. Worth a try, because being able to use limited ( and variable ) energy for things you want to do, rather than hiking in ftom the furthest reaches of the car park, is worthwhile for quality of life. Not so much in hospitals ( who have mostly had to sell off their car parks) as when visiting places for pleasure.
I don't think so. You need to be disabled. I tried because I lost a few toes due to my ET, but no luck.
Have a go. You might need a support letter from your nurse.
I would suggest not, unless you have other issues that affect walking even short distances. Councils have to be very strict on criteria these days. It is not about being tough, it is more to do with the very limited number of spaces available in town and cities and the increased volume of disabled people. The numbers of people with blue badges outstrips the number of parking spaces available so Council's can only issue badges to those who most in need, otherwise the scheme would be pointless as there would never be any spaces available.
Polycythemia Vera is a blood cancer which is classed a disability and if on hydroxycarbamide chemotherapy you shouldn’t have a problem
Do apply, what have you to lose. It's not about parking spaces, it about being able to get to places. Having a blue badge means if you need to pop into a shop you can park outside if safe to do so. So apply.
I agree, there is no harm in applying. It is about how far you can walk, not what condition or disability you have. However, it is also about parking spaces to a degree. If there are too many people holding blue badges then those most in need cannot access the allocated disabled spaces. I used to issue blue badges so I am aware of the strict criteria.
Depends on how much it affects your mobility. I have ET and got a blue badge due to the bone pain in my legs. I do also have spondylitis in my back and an arthritic hip though 😀
I recently got a blue badge ,I have myelofibrosis (on Jakafi) and arthritis in both hips, I am using walking sticks and a rollator, these questions came up on the application which I found an easy process. I am 86.
Best wishes