Hi everybody, my name is Lee and I was diagnosed with ET (MPL EXON10) in Nov 2019. I progressed to Myelofibrosis in March 2021.
I was put onto Interferon Pegasys June 2022 to slow down platelets which reached a high of 776. White blood count had reached 22.
I had very mild side effects which only lasted a single day, but my blood counts crashed (pancytopenia) after 16 weeks on 90mcg injections. Platelets ended up at 22, Hb57 and Neuts 1. After a reasonably urgent visit to the hospital for a few bags of blood I felt a lot better.
Its taken a year but my counts are almost back to a normal persons level and unusually for me my Hb is higher than when I was first diagnosed with ET and as a consequence I feel great. The only symptom ive had through all this has been fatigue which disappeared a couple of months after the last transfusion.
Ive got a million questions but I suppose a good start would be has anyone experienced or heard something like this with Interferon?
I appreciate any replies