Just want to share my Besremi experience for anything to be learned from it.
Above picture shows my CBC after the 9th dose (results of 6/23/2022; 1st dose results was 2/18/2022).
HISTORY: Diagnosed with PV 4 years ago; JAK2 positive with very low erythropoeitin; I am now 64 years old; Only phlebotomy and aspirin for 4 years until Besremi in Feb 2022. Most concerning before Besremi was platelets of 1100. Allele Burden was 70% before Besremi. Currently, other than low-dose aspirin, Centrum 50+ men's vitamins, and garlic suppement plus raw 2 cloves of crushed garlic every other day; I have no other medication. I have been wearing CPAP mask for sleep apnea since year 2000.
BESREMI EXPERIENCE: Very good to excellent results - so far. After the the 9th dose of 175 mcg (1st at 100, 2nd and 3rd at150, and 4th, 5th, 6th , 7th, and 8th at 200 mcg), Platelets down to 371, WBC and HGB in normal range coming from a high number. HCT was 44.6. Pruritus had been absent since the 2nd dose of Besremi, but it is coming back with minor inconveniene only.
BESREMI SIDE EFFECTS: After the 9th dose, first 48 hours after injection, a flu-like symptoms but manageable and no medication required.
OTHER CONCERNS: Low MCH, MCHC and MCV. My research points to low iron stores as the reason for these non-normal values. The CMP results/report all numbers in normal range including ALT which was higher outside the range last month. Iron/Ferritin test show moderately low values for a few (iron) parameters; but trending toward better numbers.
If interested in historical comparison of CBC counts, please see related previous postings.
God Bless and All the best to everyone!