Hi MPN family anyone got advice on a cream that works for dry skin with being on hydroxycarbamide ,tried coconut creams ,aveeno not working any advice would be good
Cream: Hi MPN family anyone got advice on a cream... - MPN Voice

I use the Eucerin range, body wash, lotion and cream. It works well for me. I get it all from Boots, usually wait until it’s 3 for the price of 2.
Have you tried aqueous cream? It's quite literally called that - ask for it at the pharmacy counter. I don't like it much, but my daughter, who has suffered from dry skin all her life, swears by it.
I use CeraVe cream and cleanser. Both are ceramide based. Very helpful.
Hi. Do you put it on immediately after toweling dry after showering? Avoid baths & take short cool showers. And reapply lotion so it’s twice/day. Katie
May sound strange, but the only moisturiser that has worked for me is Boot's Child Farm baby moisturiser. It cleared up eczema that developed after I first started taking hydroxy. As it's sold for babies, it's also great for sensitive skin.
I started to use it after my friend recommended it - she used to have very bad eczema and after using it on her baby she noticed that the eczema on her hands had cleared, so started using it herself.
I use it twice a day, it's excellent.
I use aveeno, it works well for me.
Thank you for all the replies there is a couple I can try
Epimax. Needs a prescription ex doctor in England. It is marvellous! Also Dermol...again ex doctor.
I use Dermol 500, apply after shower works well. I get it on prescription from GP. Can be used as a soap whilst showering.
I use Aveeno cream too. A dermatologist prescribed it for me when I had Excema. It works on the flaky skin Hydroxy causes.
Your haemo should be able to prescribe something for you, I use neutrogena Norwegian deep moisture body lotion £5/6 a 400ml bottle.
I’ve used Eucerin
I use E45 lotion and cream - not expensive and I find them very effective
Cerave moisturising cream. Usually stock up on it when Boots have it on 3 for 2.
I use a cream that is compounded at the hospital where my dermatologist practices. It is Vaseline with urea in it. My doctor tells me that urea makes the compound especially beneficial. You may be able to find a commercial brand that contains urea.
Hi, I use oil, argon oil, I use it on my face, nails body and hair. One oil does the lot.
Try jojoba organic esential oil.
I use CeraVe cream for the driest areas and their lotion for lighter needs. They supposedly have a facial lotion with sun screen so that is my next go to. Also 100% petroleum jelly.
I found Doublebase pretty good, also AvonCare 'nurturing with glycerine'.
I use Palmers Cocoa Butter. The actual ‘butter’ that’s comes in a tub not the lotion. I’ve used the lotion on and off for years and have always liked it but find the cocoa butter is much better now for my dry skin.