Hi everyone, Happy New Year to you all. My husband has to give me my interferon injection as I am a bit of a wimp to do it myself ( which I could)sometimes it doesn’t hurt, but other times like just now it does, never sure how much to pinch the skin or not. Has anyone used a numbing cream?
Numbing cream ?: Hi everyone, Happy New Year to... - MPN Voice
Numbing cream ?

My doctor gave me a tube of numbing cream for a procedure , just ask, I am sure they would be happy to supply it if it is a regular thing. Good Luck and a Happy New Year.
HelloI use a numbing cream for blood drawing because my veins are so bad and they have to stick me multiple times. I put it on one hour before and it’s amazing ! I really don’t feel much at all!!! Here in the US it’s $30 a tube but my insurance does cover it . It’s called Lidocaine Prilocaine cream. It should last you a very long time! Definitely worth a try!
Stay well
I never considered a numbing cream as I can barely feel the injection when I give it to myself. It hurts more to take the band-aid off. I do use the "pinch an inch" method, grasping an inch-think roll of skin and injecting at 90 degrees. Works great. No muss-no fuss.
Note that if you inject at 45 degrees that the angle of the tip of the needle does matter according to some who inject this way. I never found any difference with the way I self-inject.
Hope you sort it out ASAP.
Hi Yvette49 you are not the only one who’s husband gives you the injection my husband does mine like you I could do if I had to but don’t really like needles Lol I have been having injections now for four years and sometimes I don’t feel it and other times it really hurts and bleeds my husband does pinch a inch I do find one side of my stomach is better and doesn’t bleed I think perhaps the other side may have more broken vains and always seems to leave a red mark I have never used a numbing cream hope it helps you I do get the injection out of the fridge for five to ten minutes before the injection take care best wishes Poppy
You can buy EMLA cream from the chemist . It is great . Worked for me !Good luck 😊
I haven’t used the numbing cream but I do use an ice pack. I used to leave it on for about 20 mins but now only for about 5. I’m a humongous whimp and I manage to jab myself. I honestly think it was because I was in a foul mood when I took my first jab. My neighbour prepared it and I stabbed it it. It initially took 3 hands lol. 1 to pinch skin, 2 to stab a a 3rd ( her’s) to push plunger in.
Honestly it was like a comedy sketch 🤣🤣
I don’t use numbing cream but I inject on the lower part of my tummy, to the side. Sounds daft but before injecting I practice by pinching the skin and gently scratch the area with my nail which tells me which area is less sensitive and then I go in at a 45 degree angle. Make sure the pointed side of the needle is closest to the skin. I hardly feel it. I also take injection out of fridge half hour before. Finding an area that is free of the red blob from previous weeks probably takes the longest. Good luck
My husband also gives me my shot because I can’t handle needles. I have the same experience with it hurting more sometimes. I think it’s more painful when not injected into enough fat so I try to grab more now and that seems to help. I’m sure a numbing cream would help too. Has anyone noticed the skin staying red at the injection site?
Hi, yes, I’m quite bruised all over my tummy….
Hi Yvette,I use ‘EMLA’ cream .
I get 30mg tubes of EMLA on prescription from my GP.
This helps ++ with the discomfort caused by venesections.
I rub it in over the area,pop a cotton pad over it,about one hour before.
All the very best,
Ps,I haven’t used for injecting Peg ,as that’s ok for me ,compared to the venesections.
Hi Yvette49, Hopetohelp has already mentioned that different areas of skin are more sensitive to injections at a particular time yet another time it’ll be fine. I strongly agree with this as I inject a minimum of 4 times a day with insulin plus once a week with Peg. For me as I have just a little experience I can just touch my skin and know if it’s a good spot, if not I check for a different area.