Today, I had a check-in with my HEM's RN because I've had two Besremi shots.
While she was pleasant enough, several of her comments have continued to drag me down about taking Besremi, even having PV! Now, I'm one of two patients using Besremi in their office, but her comments such as: "let's hope all is okay with your liver and kidneys over time," and "let's hope you also don't have side effects when we increase the dose" were discouraging. Yes, I know there can be issues, but do I need to be reminded of them? She also said something like: "though this is a cleaner version, people forget that Interferon is a serious drug."
Maybe I'm living in a well-designed reality of my own making—that Besremi is helping my body deal with PV, setting me up to have a normal life span and I'm not going to have issues with it. I like that reality better than imaging the possible damage the drug is doing.
P.S. I HATE when someone says to me "good for you for working out so much." Do they say that to someone in their 30's? Ageism.
P.S.S. My healthcare provider is world-class and normally every encounter is outstanding.