I'm planning to start Besremi soon and may consider combo therapy with Rux as my Dr recommends Rux. If so I would want Rux for its anti inflammatory benefits and I would want it to be a very low dose based on this study and others:
<<Binding antibody...was significantly lower in ruxo-patients compared to healthy controls and the no-ruxo group. The latter conversely did not differ significantly from controls, suggesting that the potentiality to mount adequate immune response is maintained in most MPN patients who were not receiving ruxolitinib.>>
The image above shows R (Rux), N-R (No Rux), H (Healthy without MPN) antibody effects. Rux is quite detrimental to the vax response in this study.
This study was for only a 1st vax dose, but it notes another study shows a similar trend for the 2nd.
My take is is new factor has arrived in the trade off for Rux, with Covid and its vaxes likely to be around for a long time we need to think about it.
In another study on considering the 3rd dose for Mf patients (old news now that everyone gets one) , Rux also was detrimental. A separate item I've been seeing is that if you get bad Covid while taking Rux (which can lower cytokines which cause much of the bad Covid reactions) you should not stop taking it during that time since a cytokine rush can follow.
<<However, the drug cannot be stopped all at once in these patients once they develop COVID-19 because of the rebound spike in cytokines, which can precipitate severe systemic inflammation and death.>>