I have noticed lately that I have been getting little red patches on my lower legs that never go away. Some just look like dry skin but if I try and brush it away it bleeds. Is this a symptom of circulation issues relating to ET?
Little red sores on lower legs: I have noticed... - MPN Voice
Little red sores on lower legs

Hi Jenny,Keep checking to see if anyone has any experience of this, or clues....
I’ve not had this, so don’t know, but was wondering if could be menopause/meds combination? I’m noticing my skin getting thinner I think, been on Hydroxycarbamide a year now, and skin getting much drier, a menopause effect I think.
Don’t know what meds you’re on though xx
My skin has also thinned and dried on hydroxycarbamide. Not related to menopause but the drug in my case.
Thanks for this, I’ve presumed the dryness is due to menopause, but given your experience, maybe it’s also due to the Hydroxycarbamide x
Yes my skin was great on the whole until I met with hydroxycarbamide. I guess we are all liable to have different reactions but I have seen dryness including the eyes since on this drug so I also have eye drops four times a day. It has also got worse each time my dose has increased so fairly conclusive.
I get little patches like that on various bits of the body and they itch but in my case it’s eczema exacerbated by thinning and drying skin caused by taking hydroxycarbamide. If it is just on the legs I would talk to the consultant and GP and have it checked.
I get rashes on my shins occasionally with severe itching... usually doesn't last more than a day..... I just ignore it. On HU for 4 years
It is hard to say what this is. It could be a skin condition unrelated to the MPN. We do tend to be more prone to things like eczema due to the overproduction of inflammatory cytokines we experience. I do experience eczema that has at times been quite troublesome. Maintaining a healthy skin moisture barrier (ceramide-based cleansers/creams) and avoiding triggers (perfumed/dyed laundry products and soaps) really helps.
Not sure what meds you are on. Vascular ulcerations known side effect of hydroxyurea and something that needs to be reviewed ASAP if it is happening. Vascular ulcerations are considered serious adverse effects if that is what this.
Hope you find relief soon.
Hi Jenny, you need to get this checked out as sometimes superficial basal cell carcinoma starts like this. I had one treated sometime ago and I now have another one on the same leg for which I have been prescribed Aldara cream. I also have another one which is more advanced on the other leg for which I have an appointment with a plastic surgeon. When they are treated early they are quite easy to get rid of. Wishing you all the best.
Do keep us updated Jenny. If I could have got help months ago I wouldn't have needed surgery but, because of the lockdown, no face-to-face appts were available with the GP . Fortunately my haematologist referred me to dermatology just over a week ago.
Got itchy spotty area on chest and up to my neck this morning.....as a random, weirdly timely thing lol. Maybe allergic reaction, though have never had one before. Will be keeping an eye on it, and my fingers off it - wan to scratch and scratch x
I definitely think this worth telling your heamo about. Good luck