Hello everyone. Anybody have a problem with red blotches on legs? I’m in Hydroxy and as soon as the weather gets warmer I experience patches/blotches in my lower legs/calves. Wondering if anyone else experience this with ET and hydroxy and aspirin. Thanks.
Red blotches Legs with ET: Hello everyone. Anybody... - MPN Voice
Red blotches Legs with ET

Hi. I don't have blotches but do have what looks like a rash of red dots on my lower legs and ankles and my heamo just shrugged when I mentioned it . I also have ET and on hydroxy and aspirin and other non related meds
I am under treatment for P.V with a combination of Ruxolitinib and Hydroxiurea.
I do get red patches on my legs , especially below knee level , as described by you , occasionally. But, whenever I have reported this to my Hematologist he has only turned a blind eye. 😀
However, after a week or so the red patch gradually fades off without, so far , causing any other problems.
I believe these patches are bruises caused by the disease itself .
Hi, Yes! Whenever I walk in a hot climate for any length of time I get red patches on my calves. I have seen the doc and I also got a referral to Claire Harrison. Of course when you see doc or consultant you don't have these red blotches! A bit of a problem. So far no one I have seen can attribute these painful and unsightly blotches to ET, aspirin or hydroxy! I have them at the moment... Been on a walking holiday to Crete... Must be nuts! The first two days were fine, even though it was hot. The third day, I walked the Samaria gorge and knew I should have taken the bus ride for the last 2km as that was on heat reflecting ground and no shade. So it came on after that and gradually got worse. Painful yesterday on way home but subsiding now in the cool of Yorkshire! Only ever had it twice in UK.
Would love to know if you get any answers.
Love Gill
paniculitis.... Dr should refer you to a dermatologist. I had it when Hydroxy was increased. Mine were particularly bad. Support socks will help if legs are achey. Good luck.
Yes I have a lot of red mark son my legs and feet. This seemed to be there before I realised I had ET. maybe a tendency with the condition. I understand keeping weight steady, exercise and a good diet is all a healthy regime. Take care though, as you know any leg skin breakage is not so good.
I get them on my fore arms usually the left one. In fact I used to get big red blotches about 3 years ago went to doc and they sent me to dermatologist, obviously he didn't know what was going on. Time went by and went to docs with bloating blood test came back with high red blood cells she said it was probably infection and put me on antibiotics, blood was still high so went to hematologist and was diagnosed with PV JAK2+. that was in March I have been on low dose of hydroxy and aspirin for 6 weeks and the blotches are coming up smaller, so I guess I have had PV for longer than I thought.
My red blotches appear on my forearms as my previous missive. The medical people put it down to age related weak blood vessels; I'm 75 and male
They disappear after a month or two. Long sleeve shirts to the rescue!
Yes me too my left leg looks terrible, I am being treated in the dermatology unit and had been prescribed betnovate.