A short update for those following -
When I saw my haematologist last week it was quite unpleasant, I think her impatience was due to her ridiculous workload or her frustration that she can’t really guide me. I dared not question her words or ask too many Q’s, I left it at a couple, one of them was re my feet, she doesn’t think I have Erythromelalgia because I don’t get the red rash, I have so many unanswered questions.
The consultation ended with the suggestion that I may like to see a more local haematologist? Maybe this is more practical at this stage, if there’s nothing left to learn, but the timing wasn’t too kosher if you ask me.
Anyway, down to facts, It’s been confirmed that I’m ‘unclassifiable’ due to not reaching the criteria for PMF. I have all the major criteria but none of the minor criteria. She implied I will have no trouble getting Ruxolitinib but first some antibody, I think, tests need to be done.
She suggested I start Ruxolitinib now because I am at the ‘early stage’ (huh) and it most likely extends life expectancy….but only at the early stage. I’m not so sure about the ‘most likely’ bit as this information comes from the COMFORT study which appears to be a total mess to me, lol.
She told me 50% of patients at my stage of the game live another 8 years.
I was told I’ve probably had MPN for 5 years. After the recent bone marrow test, which revealed Grade 2 fibrosis, I was told I don’t have ET but what I don’t know is, am I post ET, did I ever have ET? Does any of that even matter?
I’ve been trying to pick up whatever I can regarding Ruxo because I feel need to weigh up the pros and cons of taking this drug and this is really where I’d appreciate anyones perspective, as mine is all a bit skew-whiff currently, maybe….see? 😊
So far I’ve got this-
Will extend life expectancy!! (or will it?)
Will alleviate my fatigue. (I can handle the fatigue, it’s only the post viral fatigue that’s killer but that passes)
It will lower my platelets (been 400-700 past 5yrs…meh?)
Does it alleviate irritability, hot flushes, hot feet and slow cognition? Maybe these things are irreversible and just part of the aging process 😊.
It’s a drug.
More drugs may be needed, such as, controversial, Statins to reduce cholesterol and anitvirals to reduce infection due to compromised immune system and even Imodium for diarrhoea, although, I would definitely try Slippery Elm first.
I’ve heard first hand that shingles can be really nasty (especially if in your eye!) and I don’t know if antivirals can stop shingles.
I have had chickenpox when I was young and I have also had the shingles vaccine which is available in Australia but it is only 50% affective as opposed to the American one which is 90%…..ha, sounds familiar.
And who knows what other dominant viruses may come to the surface again!
My body will most likely become unrecognizable due to weight gain, a most depressing and uncomfortable prospect.
And most importantly it may lose it’s efficacy after a few years.
I’d like to think I’m a bit of a unicorn because I really do feel good…apart from some fatigue and when I’m not being tortured mentally and emotionally post haematology appointments, haha….but maybe I have my head in the sand? Ugh.
Am I mad? I’m feeling a bit mad, maybe some of you lovely sane people could help me out?
Please feel completely free to say anything, whether it’s off the top of your head, an intuitive response, a bit considered or well considered, all thoughts welcome and thank you!
Warm regards to you all, Jacqui
P.S If anyone can send me a link explaining allelle burden with MF I’d appreciate it.
And, not my dog or neighbourhood, just had to share because I’m crazy about this pic from a lady who posts in fb page Unique Trees