Re: WARWICK's ASCT Journey Begins Today... - MPN Voice

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Re: WARWICK's ASCT Journey Begins Today...

socrates_8 profile image
37 Replies

Afternoon all...

Warwick has managed to POST a reply on MATES, and if any of you can, I am sure that he would love to say hi...

He's not feeling terribly himself Eight (8) days into his Stem Cell Transplant, but he did manage to POST the message below on MATES, and so I Posted here again for Warwick...

Here's the LINK, if you want to go say hello:

And here's his message:

Post by Warwick » Sat Feb 27, 2021 11:24 am

Hello my MPN friends

Thanks for your well wishes. Sorry for the delay getting back to you but i just worked out how to do this on my phone. I have no energy or concentration to turn on the computer. Today is plus8 ie 8 days post transplant. The next week is the toughest only 2 rounds of chemo to go. Around day 14 engraftment may commence ie the new stem cells start to grow and make blood in my cleared marrow space. Engraftment can take a bit longer with myelofibrosis patients due to the scar tissue in the marrow space. The picture steve posted was me having platelets which is such a strange thing to think when my platelets liked to be around 900 to 1000 or more. The current chemo methotrexate is cleaning out any old marrow cells that are just breathing or were hiding for the fist 2 weeks of chemo blitz. The immunosppresants are ensuring my new stem cells are cruising through my system unopposed. My White cells are 0 platelets are 10 and haemoglobin was 59 but i had a bag of blood this morning which will put a spring in my shuffle.

The medical team here at Westmead are unbelievable can not speak highly enough of them.

I dont have the TV on but have not missed it at all. I have not streamed any movies etc and have not read anything for 2 weeks. Listening to the radio is entertainment enough. im never bored as the nurses are contantlly changing iv lines giving me tablets and care. It takes a colussal effort to keep a human alive with no marrow

best wishes


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socrates_8 profile image
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37 Replies
tessa46 profile image

Best of luck Warwick with your stem cell transplant. I wish you a speedy recovery, sending you positive thoughts and virtual hugs. Tessa xx

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to tessa46

Thanks for your good wishes Tessa... :-)

I am certain that Warwick will appreciate them too...

Warwick probably won't manage to check out MPN Voice, for some time but I am sure he will at some stage... He's not really too good with Tech' etc...

Best wishes



Jennytheb profile image

Wishing you the very best Warwick, hoping you will feel better every day! xx

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Jennytheb

Thanks Jenny... 8-)


mhos61 profile image

Hi Warwick,

The best of wishes are sent your way. We’re all behind you in this fight. You’re not alone!

It sounds like you’re in excellent hands, and I’m sure this gives you and your family great comfort. You’ll get through this.

Mary xx

Steve, so good of you to update us.

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to mhos61

Thanks Mary... :-)



Otterfield profile image

Please pass on my very best wishes to Warwick. It's interesting to get some insight into the process and I really admire his positive attitude.

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Otterfield

Will do Jenny... :-)

Yes, it can be a long and difficult journey, as others here have shared previously...

Best wishes


Superwoman profile image

Wow you sound as if you are fighting the good fight, I can remember when Jedi reject (Chris) went through something very similar, we all followed him and his long road to recovery, and he certainly came through it which you will as well, these are such strange times at the moment, so it’s good to hear that you are doing alright and getting the best treatment.Keep the faith, and keep us posted when you feel up to it.

Jean x

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Superwoman

Hey Jean... :-)

Thanks for your reply...


Kiki64 profile image

Keep strong Warwick! Get well soon x

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Kiki64

Thanks Kiki... :-)

I am sure he's working on just that too!


Mufftreacs profile image

Hi Warwick,

So delighted to hear you are getting through all this. It is a hard path but will be so worth it in the end.

Sending you love and positive thoughts for the next part of your journey.

Thank you so much for making the effort at this stage to let us know how you are progressing. Please keep up the good work.

Best wishes


Poppy6060 profile image
Poppy6060 in reply to Mufftreacs

Keep strong Warwick and sending good wishes Poppy

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Poppy6060

Hey Poppy... :-)

Thanks I shall be sure to pass on all the messages of course...


socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Mufftreacs

Thanks Katie...



Ettiel profile image

Hi Steve,Please send Warwick my very best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. I salute his courageous attitude to this big challenge.


socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Ettiel

Will do Ettiel... :-)


flirt_2015 profile image

Hey Warwick one step at a time, as promised I pray for you every night😊

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to flirt_2015

Thank you Flirt...


clematis26 profile image

Sending lots of E-Love and E-Hugs to you - thinking of you, take care XX

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to clematis26

Thank you Clematis... :-)


Wyebird profile image

Please forward this to Warwick, My thoughts, hopes and heart warming hugs go to you. You mustn’t reply to this as I know you need every bit of strength. I just want you to know that I’m thinking about you. Please find the strength to do every thing that is needed of you to make this a huge success.


socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Wyebird

Hey Wyebird... :-)

Thanks for your thoughts... Warwick will, and he wants to reply when he can but he is technically challenged by computers, and that's why I provided a LINK above so that you & others might reply to him via MATES...

But will be sure to let him know in any event that the support from MPN Voice is as always...

Enormously inspiring...

Thank you...



champ30 profile image

Wishing you all the best Warwick.I'm sure it will be fine in the end. Speedy recovery.Lynn

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to champ30

Thanks Lynn... :-)


Bluetop profile image

What a journey. Thanks for sharing your experience Warwick. I hope your energy gradually builds. All the best.

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Bluetop

Hey Bluetop... :-)

Cheers awesome that he is sharing the experience as best he can etc...


JaK2ET profile image

Best wishes to Warwick - carry on winning!

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to JaK2ET

Thanks... :-)

I'll pass it on...

Unfortunately, Warwick can only respond directly himself thru MATES, here's the Link again:



Melanie66 profile image

Hello Warwick ...I don’t know anything about stem cell transplant ... other than they have a high success rating are a brave person ...I send you sincere wishes for your full recovery ,love and best wishes ..Lainie 😘

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Melanie66

That's a lovely message Lainie... :-)

Thank you & I'll pass it on of course...


socrates_8 profile image


Warwick recently Posted the following message to everyone:

Post by Warwick » Wed Mar 03, 2021 8:49 pm

Hello Everyone

I reached another milestone on Monday with my last Chemo dose. Now its a matter of topping up my platelets and red cells and keeping up the cyclosporin which is an immunosuppressive drug. They are also giving me panadol, endone, for headaches anti nasuea drugs drugs to protect my liver and kidneys antireflux drugs and my continual chocolate milkshake.

Its now a wait till the new cells engraft. This is easy to detect because the chemo has destroyed my marrow, my white cell count had been at zero since 17/2/21and once engraftment occurs and I start making my new blood my white cell counts will rise. This could happen ad early ss this Thursday but we are praying thst it be by the end of the weekend.

Till then best wishes Warwick

Buggerbear profile image

Steve, please let Warwick know I am following his journey and I wish this brave soul a speedy and complete recovery. All of us on MPN are pulling him and know it is a long and hard battle. Sending prayers and hugs to Warwick!!!

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Buggerbear

Thanks Buggerbear... :-)

Will do...


Bield profile image

Very best wishes Warwick, so great you have a positive attitude, this is what gets you through. I remember having to teach myself to speak and read again but it all happened with determination ( my husband would say pigheaded)🤪. Good luck to you I’m sure you’re gonna be fine. All the best xxx

socrates_8 profile image
socrates_8 in reply to Bield

Hey Bield... :-)

Thanks for your message... I'll pass it on to Warwick...

Best wishes


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